8:30 – 12:00 o'clock
Tackling the challenges of the ecological and industrial transition
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The forward march of extremist forces in Europe continued apace in the 2024 super election year, with far-right parties watching their election results surge in country after country. Their recent instalment into leadership ... read more "Europe Needs an Action-Oriented Left"
»Rosa Luxemburg goes Europe« was the slogan under which the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation launched the project of establishing a Brussels office in 2008. Brussels is not only the centre of European politics, but also a significant centre of world politics, particularly with regard to north-south policy. Brussels is also the headquarters of NATO. There are thus many political divides that run through Brussels, many of which may not always be completely visible at first sight. These different fields of action are what determines the strategic orientation of our Brussels Office.
Note: This article uses Icelandic naming conventions. Most persons referenced do not have family names and are therefore primarily referred to by their given name.
... read more "Scratching the Seven-Year Itch: Iceland votes to change government"
“Pay up, or humanity will pay the price”. With the arrival of Donald Trump in the White House in January, that key message from UN General Secretary António Guterres was seen as even ... read more "Bad Santa? How Norway can provide real climate jobs"
10. December 2024
8:30 – 12:00 o'clock
Tackling the challenges of the ecological and industrial transition
Note: This article uses Icelandic naming conventions. Most persons referenced do not have ... read more "Scratching the Seven-Year Itch: Iceland votes to change government"
Despite being one of the first countries to sign the UN Refugee Convention, Denmark has also ... read more "Why Europe should avoid modelling its migration policy on Denmark"
Reclaiming Europe’s Energy Future
In the midst of a crippling energy and cost-of-living crisis, ... read more "Mapping a Public Pathway for Europe’s Energy Transition"
After winning over 11 percent of the vote, and two mandates, in June’s European Parliament ... read more "Sweden’s Left Party celebrates its biggest win in 20 year"
Although European elections are traditionally considered as being second-order in nature, it is quite clear ... read more "Second-Order Elections with a First-Order Impact"
The political systems in Cyprus — both on a party level and as a whole — have undergone continuous changes over recent ... read more "Twists and Turns amidst Continuity"
Feminist Economics: Chapter 5. Households and community.
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The capitalist system neither guarantees nor takes responsibility for the sustainability of life, and breaks community and collective ties. It pours this responsibility into households, making it individual and isolated.