Moderation and Facilitation, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s European Summer School, Brussels, 3–6 October 2024 The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS) is an internationally operating, left non-profit organisation for civic education affiliated with Germany’s ‘Die ... read more "Extended Deadline_Call for Tenders"

»Rosa Luxemburg goes Europe« was the slogan under which the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation launched the project of establishing a Brussels office in 2008. Brussels is not only the centre of European politics, but also a significant centre of world politics, particularly with regard to north-south policy. Brussels is also the headquarters of NATO. There are thus many political divides that run through Brussels, many of which may not always be completely visible at first sight. These different fields of action are what determines the strategic orientation of our Brussels Office.

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After winning over 11 percent of the vote, and two mandates, in June’s European Parliament elections, the Swedish Left Party Vänsterpartiet is celebrating its best election ... read more "Sweden’s Left Party celebrates its biggest win in 20 year"
janemcalev-640x360 Conor Healy / Picture It Photogr

Remembering Jane McAlevey (1964–2024)

Ethan Earle
****Version française ci-dessous**** Read her books and take her trainings, but not to deify her — nothing could be further from her mission. Take them so that you can put into practice the same methods that Jane McAlevey spent a ... read more "Remembering Jane McAlevey (1964–2024)"

This study sets out to achieve two objectives. The first objective is to examine the main features of ... read more "Mapping a Public Pathway for Europe’s Energy Transition"
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Call for Tenders

We are looking for an experienced video creator to produce (shoot and edit) specified social media and website content to share selected conference output with ... read more "Call for Tenders"
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Although European elections are traditionally considered as being second-order in nature, it is quite clear ... read more "Second-Order Elections with a First-Order Impact"
The political systems in Cyprus — both on a party level and as a whole — have undergone continuous changes over recent ... read more "Twists and Turns amidst Continuity"
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A Hopeful Surprise in France

Nessim Achouche
On the evening of Sunday, 7 July 2024, the Place de la République in Paris was once again filled with a compact crowd, but this time it was joy and shouts of ... read more "A Hopeful Surprise in France"

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Feminist Economics: Chapter 5. Households and community.

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The capitalist system neither guarantees nor takes responsibility for the sustainability of life, and breaks community and collective ties. It pours this responsibility into households, making it individual and isolated.