The Perspectives and Consequences of EU-Differentiation
“The European Union (EU) is at a historic crossroads which poses a major challenge, too, to left politics. To meet that challenge will require an analysis of the situation and possible perspectives for the confederation of nations, which includes the issue of potential differentiations. The present crisis is making very clear how brittle and incomplete many previous answers and forecasts have been; obviously, forecasting capability is minimal. The complexity of events and problems is ever more difficult to grasp.
Precisely for that reason, a discussion of alternative policies is urgent: of the causes of the crisis of the European Union and their character; of the future path towards union; of democratisation and institutional structures; of the worldwide role of the EU; of the future of political and economic integration; of the ultimate shape of the EU and its boundaries; and of necessary solutions in various areas of EU policy.
Strategic considerations for progressive change in the EU, for alternatives to the policy of the ruling elites in politics and business, necessitate taking a long-term view, including increasing variety and differentiation within the EU. That raises questions for a left-orientated politics of integration which will also have to be considered in alternative concepts to the prevailing politics…”
Wilhelm Ersil: Prof. Dr. habil., Potsdam; Subjects: European Integration and German Foreign Policy.
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