Acting for the Transformation of our Societies – Examples from different world regions
Report on the seminar on Transformative Projects in October 2010 in Brussels
For a long time the left has highlighted the emerging problems of the neoliberal counter-revolution. Persuasive analysis of the backgrounds of different but interconnected crisis have been developed. But what is less developed is the capability of the left to present concrete steps how to change the world we live in today. Although many of us may have a vision about the future structure of our societies, the question is how to go from the here and now towards more equal and sustainable societies in the future.
For that reason the seminar discussed five different projects which we call “transformative projects”. These five projects have been developed in Latin America, Europe, Southern Africa, South Asia and South East Asia. The areas which these projects aim to change are as diverse as the regions they originate from. All projects are interlinked with each other in their transformative approach to the recent problems of the capitalist world system. They all offer immediate and practical solutions to current problems. But they possess something more precious: they all have a transformative impact on the world as we know it, they all offer the possibility to change the structure of the current power relations so that the room to maneuver will be widened for further progressive steps. The changing impacts of the different projects differ very much. Sometimes they secure the very basic needs of the people in the first step, then providing means for material production with immediate impact on the dignity of the affected people. Other projects simultaneously reduce the opportunities for financial speculation while enhancing the room for the states to invest in people centered investments. Last not least they provide spaces for shared learning processes and give back the hope to the “Wretched of the Earth”.