Call: Renewing Europe – For a common social and ecological industrial policy in Europe

Roland Kulke

In cooperation with Axel Troost and Transform Europe!

The European left is yet lacking a common position to oppose the economic policies of the Troika. To find – even the lowest – common denominator of the different approaches and experiences of European member states and left parties, we will need targeted and concerted common efforts.

The project Left European Industrial Policy aims to offer help with the beginning of this process of international understanding. The call “Renewing Europe – For a common social and ecological industrial policy in Europe” as a result of discussions between European economists and left politicians organised by the Brussels office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in cooperation with Transform! is a first step to an open dialogue. It sets important cornerstones for the conception of a left European industrial policy.

Ansprechpartner: Roland Kulke

Call: Renewing Europe – For a common social and ecological industrial policy in Europe
List with the original signatories
French and Spanish versions of the call are available at
Information about the image: Tanja Föhr – Industry 4.0 / Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

left_social_and_ecological_industrial_policy_in_europe.pdfPDF file

signatories.pdfPDF file