Practice of Energy Democracy

Conrad Kunze and Sören Becker, August 2015

Emancipatory energy transitions in Europe

Already today, the energy transition in Europe is supplanting nuclear and coal power plants and will, at some point, be able to completely replace them.

This study offers a general and easy-to-understand overview of vanguard energy democracy projects within the EU. The authors looked for nascent energy projects characterised by their combination of an energy transition approach with gains in participation, collective ownership, or for local business or ecology in general.

Through these sixteen select examples, we take a look into this great laboratory of small alternative projects and venture an outlook on future developments and opportunities in the coming years.

Not only are renewable energy sources an appropriate means of combatting climate change, if implemented correctly they could also gradually become part of a wider social change.

Download Wege der Energiedemokratie (German, pdf)

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