Video: How transparent is EU law-making?

The Better Regulation Package under the looking-glass

The European Commission’s “Better Regulation Package” makes far-reaching changes to the lawmaking process in Europe. However, this package reveals significant pitfalls for democratic processes. The Commission’s Better Law-Making lacks full transparency, is still open for industry-bias and gives unprecedented power to the Commission’s First Vice President, Mr Timmermans. Timmermans can scrap law initiatives entirely or parts of it, and can push through initiatives that have been rejected by others.

Most of the decisions by the First Vice President but also the newly formed Regulatory Scrutiny Board are being taken behind closed doors. The public will never know what has been scrapped and why, nor will the public know when the FVP pushes an iniative through despite a negative opinion from the experts in the Regulatory Scrutiny Board.

Our video follows the path an initiative has to take to become law and highlights where processes in EU lawmaking need to be broken up to guaranty transparency and democracy.

UNI Europa and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung call on civil society groups to get involved and contact their local MEPs or national representatives of their governments. Together we must demand more transparency and democracy in the European Law Making process.

Public Relations Manager Mareike Post, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (, +32 2 738 76 66)
Communications Officer Elke Zander, UNI Europa (, +32 487 596 539)