Energy Democracy
A common agenda for struggles aroung energy
From energy access to climate justice and from anti-privatisation to workers’ rights, people across the world are taking back power over the energy sector, kicking-back against the rule of the market and reimagining how energy might be produced, distributed and used. For many movements involved in struggles around energy, the concept of energy democracy is proving increasingly useful as a means of bringing together disparate but clearly linked causes under a shared discourse and, possibly, something of a common agenda.
How are people across the world taking back power over the energy sector, kicking-back against the rule of the market and reimagining how energy might be produced, distributed and used? How can the concept of energy democracy be deployed to demand a socially just energy system, with universal access, fair prices and secure, unionised and well-paid jobs?
Activists, researchers and practitioners gathered to discuss these issues at an international workshop on energy democracy held in Amsterdam in February 2016. The workshop was organised by the Transnational Institute, in partnership with Global Justice Now, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office, Platform London, Switched on London, Berlin Energy Roundtable, the Alternative Information and Development Centre, Public Services International, and the Trade Unions for Energy Democracy initiative. One of the outcomes of this workshop was to develop a collective energy democracy website into a virtual resource centre and meeting place for exchanging experiences, debate and strategies.
We hope connects different groups over the world fighting for energy democracy. The website offers a wealth of information with a energy democracy map, articles and videos to present different struggles around energy across the world with inspiring examples and best practice from different countries and contexts. is an open space and welcome your contributions and participations. Tell your stories on (fights for) energy democracy and relevant resources.
In cooperation with
Transnational Institute – Gobal Justice Now – Platform London – Trade Unions for Energy Democracy – Public Services International – Switched on London – Alternative Information and Development Center – Berliner Energietisch
Video: Towards Energy Democracy