Finding a New Path – Another Development for Europe
Progressive social and political forces discussed the issues of a new industrial strategy for Europe
This conference, a joint initiative of transform! europe, the Nicos Poulantzas Institute and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels office, brought trade unionists, researchers, politicians and representatives of NGOs together in Brussels (19 and 20 June 2017) to tackle the issues of a new industrial strategy for Europe could help us find a new path for Europe. This strategy should be based on the following principles: a truly progressive industrial policy offering good jobs and therefore supporting foremost the social and economic advancement of Central and Eastern European and South European Countries. It is furthermore based on a just energy transition, as well as the new labour and social rights that we should push through to reverse the race to the bottom damaging so many households. This could be a good starting point.
The following videos have been recorded with a number of speakers during this conference. They elaborate on the specific topics of the different sessions. The full programme of the conference is available here.
Towards a European Pillar of Social Rights? – Gabriele Zimmer (4:30 min)
The existing policy space for a progressive industrial strategy for Europe – Mario Pianta (1:34 min)
The case for a Socially Just Energy Transition – Molly Walsh (1:10 min)
Free Trade Agreements and their effects on Europe’s Labour and Social Rights – Penny Clarke (2:21 min)
Industrial Policy and Economic Democracy – Peter Scherrer (3:52 min)
Digitisation of the Economy, Industry 4.0 and Labour Rights – Toni Prug (4:31 min)
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