Catalonia Conflict

Interviews and panel discussions around the Catalonia conflict at the RLS European Summer School

During the European Summer School in Madrid (4-8 October 2017) we had the opportunity to speak about the situation in Catalonia with several representatives from the Spanish left and social movements.


Interview with Sol Sánchez (Izquierda Unida), who gave insight to the background of the events around the Catalan referendum process and a view from the left on the issue.

Due to the current developments around the Catalonia referendum process we organised a discussion with Marga Ferré (Izquierda Unida) at the RLS European Summer School (67 Minutes)

María Campuzano from the “Alliance Against Energy Poverty” in Catalonia speakes about social movements and their reactions towards the Catalan referendum (2:04 minutes).

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Catalonia Conflict
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Social movementes and the referendum in Catalonia 2017
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