Our health is not for sale!

7 April health day for public and free health care

Health, as one of our most precious possessions, has an estimable value in our society. With long struggles in the 19th and 20th centuries in Europe and globally the people achieved to impose health care as their fundamental right and as a collective public value to be preserved and taken care of.

In the last 30 years these achievements became more and more endangered. The ruling classes repeatedly tried to bend the health care to their interests on a global scale. Commercialization and privatization of health care became the biggest threats to people’s health.

This is one of the shared outcomes of the workshop “Healthy changes” organised by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office, the People’s Health Movement and Santè Solidaires (25-26 October 2016).

Therefore we support the global mobilisation on 7 April for the World Health Day. To give a concrete support to the global struggle for free and quality access to health we are preparing a publication about the subject.

Vorschaubild des YouTube-Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcHT8p9pqrw
#7april #health4all , not for sale!
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