Organizing for a Left Hegemony

At the first European Summer School in Madrid about 100 people discussed social rights, struggles and strategies for the left in Europe

In the beginning of October about 100 people – all of them activists, campaigners or organizers in left parties, social movements and trade unions in Europe and the US followed an invitation of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung to Madrid.

Five days of intense workshops, panel discussions, lectures and debates followed, as well as a colorful and powerful demonstration for housing rights in Madrid and long talks. The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung had convened political partners and young activists from 16 countries to discuss the common and differing challenges of left actors in Europe and to learn from each other.

In addition, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung used the opportunity to officially open its newest liaison office in Madrid.


Opening of the Liaison Office Madrid – Duration 1:09

Organizing for a Left Hegemony – a summary of the European Summer School – Duration: 7:20

Conclusions of the RLS European Summer School, brought to the point by a number of participants – Duration 00:45

Why is feminism increasingly relevant for the left?

Pictures of the Summer School and the opening event of the liaison office Madrid

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Opening of the Madrid liaison office
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Organizing for a Left Hegemony. Strategies, Struggles and Social Rights
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Think big, think longterm. Challenges for the Left
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