Call for papers for a study on the Struggles around water

Final deadline 31 August

With the current debate at the European level of the Drinking water Directive and a possible revision of the main piece of legislation at European level the Water Framework Directive pending as well as with an overhaul of the entire water policies in Europe (urban waste water, circular economic, etc.) the European Commission has engaged a process of evaluation of the European water policy. On the National level the landscape is more composite and differentiated with some steps in the remunicipalisation of the water services like in Terrassa in Spain, Montpelier in France or Naples in Italy. The public consultations on water in Madrid or Berlin go in a similar direction as do the Irish referendum campaign and the achievement of the Slovenian campaign for the inclusion of the Human Right to water in the national constitution.

We call for a study on the struggles around water and its various dimensions:

  • Mapping and analyzing the different dynamics around the water issues in Europe. With a look at the socio-political situation as back ground, the study should address both the institutional and grass roots level
  • Aim at the core of the publication is to give a systematization of the different strategies around the water struggles on all the levels local/national, European and international
  • Draft some outlook for the next future

The format of the publication will be a short brochure to circulate among an interested public to strengthen social movements and struggles in Europe around water issues.

Language of the paper: English
Final text length should be of 60.000 signs with spaces
Please send applications by email to Federico Tomasone,

The researcher chosen should have some experience in campaigning as well as research background.
Offers should include a CV, a structure plan of the study and a quotation in Euro.

The final deadline will be 31 August and the result will be announced on 7th September 2018.
The study must be sent in its entirety by End November.