Call for Tender: Design Services
The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is one of the largest political education institutions in Germany today, with branches in many countries worldwide. The Brussels Office op-erates as a think tank reflecting on European and international issues such as the global power shift and the socio-ecological transformation of today’s society.
The Brussels Office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung would like to conclude a long-term design, layout and printing services agreement for printed materials, awarding these services through a bidding process.
We hereby request you to submit your binding offer in English with the signed & scanned documents.
Please note that only the terms of order and agreement – see appendix – apply.
- We will only evaluate offers from applicants who fulfil all 4 of the following points:
have signed with a legally binding signature the attached “Terms of order and agreement for design services” (appendix 1), to indicate that they agree with it, - have filled out in detail and signed with a legally binding signature the attached indicative financial offer (appendix 2),
- have submitted three references of layout services to similar clients: 1 poster, 1 publication, 1 event invitation
- have submitted their binding offers by 06.12.2018, 13:00 Brussels Time
All offers received are weighed according to the following criteria:
(1) Price: 60% ans (2) References of layout services to like-wise clients: 40%
If you need further information please contact:
Julie Piette
phone: +32 2 738 76 60