Two calls for tenders – meeting facilitation and note-taking/preparation of report

Global Working Group Beyond Development, Barcelona 16-21 April 2018

The Global Working Group Beyond Development (GWG) brings together around 30 political activists and academics from five continents, representing a wide range of social-cultural struggles. The GWG aims to help build ecologically sustainable, radically democratic and economically viable alternatives to the exploitative and unequal modes of living that are engendered by global capitalism.

Under the auspices of the Rosa-Luxemburg- Stiftung Brussels Office, the Global Working Group
Beyond Development is convening for its third annual meeting to exchange experiences of and generate knowledge about alternatives to the currently dominant hegemonic ways of life. The meeting is concerned with questions of urban commoning, popular appropriation of the city, urban-rural relationships, and the Global North-South nexus. It will take place in Barcelona, Spain, 16-21 April 2018. The group will analyse concepts, strategies and lessons learned from a set of case studies from around the globe prepared specifically for this meeting. A two-day field visit (16-17 April) in and around Barcelona precedes the working group meeting, a public conference (21 April) concludes the event.

We are calling for tenders for the facilitation of the meeting and for the preparation of a comprehensive report of inputs, discussions and outcomes of a six-day working group meeting. The calls are available for download below and include all details about services required, tasks, profile and conditions.

Deadline for submission: 26 January 2018 for both calls.


Facilitation_Call_for_tenders.pdfPDF file

Report_Call_for_tenders.pdfPDF file