Call for Tenders Editor of a European newsletter on work time reduction

The Project:

The European network for the fair sharing of working time, initiated by ATTAC (Germany – Group Arbeitfairteilen) and Collectif Roosevelt (France), is an informal structure open to representatives of organisations, experts and activists. The network gathers multiple organizations including trade unions, NGOs, citizen movements, scientists, policy makers, or members of the European parliament from 12 countries: France, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland.

The main objective of the network is to create a permanent and open forum between structured initiatives for the sharing of working time across Europe. Between 2016 and 2020, the network has organized several events in Brussels in cooperation with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLS) to create a common European space:

  • to strengthen a European dynamic on working time reduction;
  • to create links between the national movements promoting working time reduction in Europe (networking);
  • to share information and to provide regular updates on the national dynamics;
  • to share experiences and ideas between those initiatives.

For 2021 the objective of the network is to continue with the European letter of information to intensify the sharing of information between the conferences and to continue to open the network to more organizations from more countries. We also intent to monitor and follow the experimentations of working time reduction across Europe to provide inspirational ideas for national initiatives. The tender is for a service to coordinate and edit a European information newsletter on the project and information letter on working time reduction (WTR). Date: 1st April 2021 – 1st December 2021


  • Intensify and develop the diffusion of information between the annual conferences;
  • Map the situation of WTR support/promotion in every country in Europe: status of the debate, mains actors, type of working time and experimentation in progress.

Details of the project:

  • Diffusion of a continuous flow of information, and a monthly summary/digest, by a webpage and mailing list (voluntary subscription): events, news and update, current experimentations or campaigns, research on working time, political moments link to WTR;
  • 2 newsletters send to the members of the network: activity of the network, events, current experimentations and results, research on working time, political moments link to WTR, focus on national situation (status of the debate, position of the actors);
  • The information gathered can be shared in others media: social network, etc.

Missions of the project manager:

  • Monitoring of the information (by country and European level): gather, review and summary;
  • Graphic design and editorial policy of the newsletter;
  • Create, host and update a webpage for the network;
  • Production and publication of the information/contents;
  • Coordination of the diffusion of information inside the network: email answers, contact with the members and partners of the network, writing of report for the coordination team.

Implementation and supervision of the project:

  • The project will be supervised by the coordination team (Collectif Roosevelt, Attac Germany, RLS Brussels);
  • The project manager will send a report of his activities on a regularly basis and will participate on the phone conference of the coordination every month.
  • For each country, a member of the network will be the contact point of the project manager to streamline the collection of information.

What we offer:

  • Contract of work and services as specified in Terms of reference (below);
  • A total of € 6,000 including taxes for all services agreed, paid in two twelve installments. Each installment payable after client’s receipt of: (1) partial service as contractually agreed; (2) documentation (report) of partial service; (3) invoice.

Application process:

Please send your comprehensive CV specifying how you meet the profile criteria by email to Deadline is Thursday, 1st April 2021, 12:00 hours CET. Awarding criteria: 60% price and 40% expertise.

Call for Tenders: Editor of a European newsletter on work time reductionPDF file