Call for offer

Co-creation of a podcast series

Co-creation of a podcast series between the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels office and a progressive publishing house

The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is an internationally operating, left non-profit organization for civic education affiliated with Germany’s Left Party. Active since 1990, the foundation has been committed to the analysis of social and political processes and developments worldwide. We work in favor of a more just world system based on international solidarity.

Background & objectives

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a new extreme reminder that our societies and lives are utterly intertwined with the evolution of our environment and our planet.

The expansion of a destructive productive system is not only transforming our ecosystems while accelerating the climate crisis and its impacts it is also generating new infectious diseases directly threatening humanity as a whole.

Moreover, a year of paralysis and forced slowdown of our economy has not solved or even halted the climate crisis that continues to impact communities, reducing the possibilities of a decent life for a large majority of the global population.

At the same time, the lockdowns and social distancing measures that have followed the development of the pandemic have been a real obstacle for many social movements to continue their struggle and in particular for a growing climate movement that had successfully mobilized across Europe and internationally in the last couple of years.

The youth part of our societies has been at the forefront of the movement for climate getting informed and organized on the need to take actions to respond to climate change and its social repercussions.

While slogan as “System change not Climate change” got really popular among the young strikers, the need for a powerful narrative around what a new “system” or society could look like, a society that could bring social justice and freedom while incorporating in its core the necessary protection and harmonious relationship with the environment is striking.

This series of podcasts offers to fill this gap by presenting and exploring various proposals coming from different political tendencies in the Left, providing a necessary horizon and imaginary for activist calling for a renewed society.

Needed collaboration

This podcast series is intended to be a collaboration between the Brussels office of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and a leftist oriented publishing house that possess a large library of publications and authors tackling the issues of climate change, climate justice, through different aspects and angles, bringing eco-socialist perspectives or other political analysis and proposal to discussion.


Based on the books made available by the publishing house as well as possible external publications the RLS-Brussels together with the contractor will design a series of podcast episodes that will cover the different proposals for transforming our economy and societies to integrate them within the limitations and boundaries of our environment.

The number of episodes should be evaluated between the RLS Brussels and the contractor to fit the needs and capacities of both entities.

The technical production of the podcast would need to be provided by the contractor. The possibility to have a third party doing the technical part is also an option.

The collaboration should start in June and cover the rest of 2021.


The RLS Brussels will cover the cost of the production of the podcast as well as possibly contributing to the outreach of the content on diverse networks and media.


Language of the podcast and publications: English.


Submission of abstracts: Wednesday, 26 May 21 Notification to authors: Thursday, 3 June 2020.


Project proposal of up to 1,200 Characters detailing the collection of publication at the disposal of the publishing house as well as an outline of the podcast series including details of the production process, cost and intended outreach plan must be submitted to Nessim Achouche at, subject line: “[your name] – Abstract: Podcast series by Wednesday, 26 May 2021,11 am CEST. Late submissions will not be considered.

The selection will be based on the proposed price (50%) the quality and adequacy of the publications offered by the applicant as well as the proposed outreach of the podcast series.