Public events on the Global Green New Deal

A vision for achieving climate, social and economic justice

The prevailing neoliberal global economic system has put societies and nature in a threatening situation. Despite decades of promises to end extreme poverty, to fight world hunger and provide a decent life for all, to mitigate the climate change and the extinction of various species, the economic policy of exploiting nature, resources and people continues to drive the global economy and destroy the foundations of life on the planet and the planet itself. Instead of improvement of living conditions, we experience a variety of crises that influence and increase each other. A Global Green New Deal could initiate the transition from the current system to a climate-friendly, fair and just way of economics and a fundamental change of the world economy. A comprehensively, equitably and environmentally sustainable Global Green New Deal that addresses the multiple crises is more necessary than ever.

The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Brussels will offer two public events. The first event will open the conference on the Global Green New Deal. This opening session will be time to draw the foundation for a leftist approach toward global transformations, decolonial, feminist and challenging global power structures. This proposes recommendations, objectives and suggestions for implementing a GGND as a response to the multiple crises the world is now facing. The second public event will present the results and discuss them with politicians regarding their feasibility.

Public Events

Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 10–11:30am (CEST)

What does a Global Green New Deal mean for the internationalist left and its allies?

Welcome address: Anna Schröder (Head of Office of RLS Brussels)


  • Asad Rehman (Executive Director of War on Want)
  • Sabrina Fernandes (Member of International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies Brazil)
  • Katie Gallogly-Swan (Policy Coordinator at the Boston University’s Global Development Policy Center and UNCTAD)
  • David Adler (General Coordinator at Progressive International)

Moderation: Katja Voigt (RLS Berlin), Nessim Achouche (RLS Brussels)

Register here for the event on Tuesday

Thursday, 28 April 2022, 1–3pm (CEST)    

Political implementation of the demands for a Global Green New Deal


  • Manon Aubry (MEP, Co-chair of THE LEFT) (tbc)
  • Petros Kokkalis (MEP, THE LEFT) (tbc)
  • Heinz Bierbaum (President of the European Left Party)
  • Cornelia Hildebrandt (Co-President of transform! europe)

Moderation: Anna Schröder (RLS Brussels), Dr Arif Rüzgar (RLS Brussels)

Register here for the event on Thursday

Venue: La Tricoterie, Rue Théodore Verhaegen 158, 1060 Brussels

For further information, please contact and


Due to limited capacity, we kindly ask you to register.

Programme of the Global Green New Deal Conference 2022 in BrusselsPDF file