Call for Tender!
Service Agreement for translation and proofreading/ copy editing services
The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is one of the largest political education institutions in Germany today, with branches in many countries worldwide. The Brussels Office operates as a think tank reflecting on European and international issues such as the global power shift and the socio-ecological transformation of today’s society.
The Brussels Office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung would like to conclude a long-term service agreement for interpretation, translation and proofreading/copy-editing services, awarding these services through a bidding process to a skilled and efficient applicant. This call for offers comprehends two (2) different lots, which are going to be treated separately. Any individual tenderer may submit an offer for lot one, two or both. Any tenderer has to submit a separate tender for each lot they are tendering for. The lots are independent of each other and may be awarded to different tenderers.
We hereby request you to submit your binding offer in English or German at Only tenders submitted in these languages are eligible.
We will only evaluate applicants who have submitted a full application with all the necessary documents.
The bid must be sent at the latest by 27.12.2023, 12:00 pm Brussels Time.
Please find all the documents attached to the call below.
You will receive our final answer by 31.01.2024 at latest.
If you need further information, please contact:
Sophia Thoenes
+ 32 2 738 76 66
Call Service Agreement for translation/proofreading - Lot 1 TranslationPDF file
Call Service Agreement for translation/proofreading - Lot 2 ProofreadingPDF file
Call Appendix Lot 1 - TranslationWord file
Call Appendix Lot 2 - ProofreadingWord file