Our work
Watch the video from BRUZZ International portraying our work in Brussels. You will learn a lot about us and our goals, but also about the life and work of Rosa Luxemburg.
Watch the video here!
Videographer: Anja Strelec, Audiovisual and Documentary film director

The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is named after Rosa Luxemburg, the Polish-German politician of Jewish origin who was murdered in 1919. The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation locates itself in the spectrum of democratic socialism, and is close to The Left Party in Germany. It has dedicated itself to the heritage of Rosa Luxemburg in its most modern sense: emancipative and critical of capitalism, radically democratic and opposed to all forms of dictatorship, dedicated to solidarity and opposed to imperial power. Political education, critical societal analysis, comprehensive international work, and research grants are its most important areas of work.
The slogan of the foundation is (summarizing the ideas of Rosa Luxemburg): Freedom without equality is exploitation; equality without freedom is oppression. Solidarity is the common root of freedom and equality.
“Rosa Luxemburg goes Europe” was the slogan under which the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation launched the project of establishing a Brussels office in 2008. Brussels is not only the centre of European politics, but also a significant centre of world politics, particularly with regard to north-south policy. Brussels is also the headquarters of Nato. There are thus many political divides that run through Brussels, many of which may not always be completely visible at first sight. These different fields of action are what determines the strategic orientation of our Brussels Office.
Our central issues refer to intra-European and global developments, particularly to the relationship between Europe and the world’s regions. We are critical of the neo-liberal orientation of the policy of the European Union, and support a paradigm shift in European and international policy. We believe that the global economic crisis provides an opportunity to rethink the future with regard to the welfare of humankind on our planet, to relate the various aspects of the crisis to one another, and to place the fulfilment of the idea of an ecological and socially just international society on the political agenda. We collaborate on alternative strategies of European integration, concepts for economic democracy and services of public interest, approaches to participatory and multicultural democracy, and peace-policy projects, and we use the European platform to debate the realisation of progressive concepts in the world’s regions.
There is one liaison office affiliated to the Brussels office:
Madrid (since 2016)
The Madrid office analyses the impact of austerity policies in Spain and supports local social movements in their struggles for social rights. Contact: iren.onegbybzr@ebfnyhk.bet
We cooperate with the Foundation’s other foreign offices (the Foundation currently has offices in Sao Paolo, Mexico City, Quito, New York, Johannesburg, Dakar, Dar Es Salaam, Peking, Hanoi, New Delhi, Tel Aviv, Ramallah, Warsaw, Moscow, Belgrad and Athen) and with its Institute for Critical Social Analysis, with the left European foundation Transform, with European NGOs, trade unions and globalisation-critical social movements, with the left parliamentary group in the European Parliament The Left GUE/NGL, as well as with the European Left Party. We work together with intellectuals, think tanks and people involved in political practice.