
Reclaiming Europe’s Energy Future In the midst of a crippling energy and cost-of-living crisis, Mapping a Public Pathway for Europe’s Energy Transition delivers a compelling critique of Europe’s failing energy system. This comprehensive study reveals how, despite public promises of reform, the EU’s reliance on a liberalized, ... read more "Mapping a Public Pathway for Europe’s Energy Transition"

Reclaiming Europe’s Energy Future In the midst of a crippling energy and cost-of-living crisis, Mapping a Public Pathway for Europe’s Energy Transition delivers a compelling critique of Europe’s failing energy system. This comprehensive study reveals how, despite public promises of reform, the EU’s reliance on a liberalized, ... read more "Mapping a Public Pathway for Europe’s Energy Transition"
30,000 lobbyists…and counting. The sheer number of corporate lobbyists that influence EU policy-making, and the financial firepower available to them, constitute a challenge to democracy, social rights, peace and the planet. In this book, lobbying researcher and campaigner Kenneth Haar explores how corporate representatives have shaped the institutional foundations of the EU. ... read more "A Europe of Capital"
According to its presentation of itself, the European Union (EU) is based on principles and values such as freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability.1 Against this background, the huge inequalities, high poverty rates, and multiple cases of precarious living across and within the Member States (MS) are... read more "The Impact of EU Policies on Housing and Urban Development"
Mobility is a basic human need. Over the last 100 years, the automobile has revolutionised the transport of people and goods. The automotive industry is a core industrial sector employing millions of people in Germany, Europe and the world. The trade unions in the metal sector are strong and powerful organisations without which the enforcement of... read more "The Transformation of the Global Automotive Industry"
Groups fighting for energy democracy at all levels of society are leading resistance and remedies towards a better future. Profit-driven energy models have escalated the climate crisis, failed to decarbonise our energy systems, and do not provide universal access to clean, affordable energy. We need to unite globally to transition to public energy systems ... read more "Energy Democracy Movement Declaration"
An analysis of the perspectives for the French left and the NUPES in the 2024 European Parliament elections***Version française ci-dessous***   This study aims to provide a brief analysis of the current state of affairs in the European Union in order to analyse the perspectives of the French left in the 2024 European Parliament election. In France, the question of the ... read more "Unity Makes Strength?"
A Call for Sustainable Alternatives to the EU-ASEAN Trade Regime This report explores the effects of existing trade agreements between ASEAN and EU states, takes a look at possible effects induced by potential developments of these trade agreements, and discusses alternatives to their approach to organizing ASEAN and EU trade relations. We seek to offer an... read more "Casting off the Chains of Unfair Trade"
Looking at the Proposed Free Trade Agreement between India and the European UnionAbout the publication Since 2007, India and the European Union (EU) have engaged in active negotiations on an ambitious and comprehensive Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA), or a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in generic terms, that includes tariff removal on goods, ... read more "Development Opportunities or Challenges"
An assessment of the agreement from an EU perspectiveExecutive Summary EU-India trade negotiations were relaunched in June 2022. Behind the storytelling of the Commission, Member States and business lobbies lies the reality which can not be hidden for long: the EU-India trade deal is a neoliberal deal, entrenched in the idea that more trade between the two... read more "EU-India Trade Deal: Business as usual?"
An analysis of the Spanish government’s response to the cost-of-living crisis Just as the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic finally seemed to be behind us, the war in Ukraine that began in February 2022 sent the world economy into another tailspin. With Russian gas now tainted by Putin’s invasion, Europe acted quickly to abandon what had until then been its most ... read more "Capping Prices, Taxing Profits"
About the anthology Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise of authoritarian populism, the polarisation of politics and the attacks on the foundations of liberal representative democracy leave little doubt about it. The fallout of the COVID-19 crisis has only reinforced these tendencies. Yet, we also see a revitalisation of radical demands for democratic renewal. ... read more "The Crisis and Future of Democracy"
Women's Labour Market Participation in the EU: Obstacles and Policy LeversThe EU has a long tradition of – in what it says at least – supporting women’s labour-market participation and promoting social security policies. The EU’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are among its most recent attempts to... read more "Sustainable Illusions?"

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