Women's Labour Market Participation in the EU: Obstacles and Policy LeversThe EU has a long tradition of – in what it says at least – supporting women’s labour-market participation and promoting social security policies. The EU’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are among its most recent attempts to achieve this, with the SDGs’ promise to end “all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere”. Have such policies yielded any substantive results when it comes to improving ...
read more "Sustainable Illusions?"
read more "Sustainable Illusions?"
Welfare State Retrenchment, the Effects on Women, and Feminist Responses in SwedenAbout the book
From an international perspective, the Nordic model can easily be seen as an ideal welfare state. Additionally, more than any other welfare state model, the Nordic model is not just a label applied by welfare state analysts; it has also been used with pride by Nordic governments and citizens (Lister 2009). The striving for equality and the high degree of universalism have been regarded as proof of the superiority of the Nordic model (Anttonen 2002). The concept of universalism is ...
read more "A Caring State?"
read more "A Caring State?"
The romanticisation of the Swedish welfare system and its positive effects on gender equality persists, notwithstanding the substantial dismantling of the welfare state in recent decades and Sweden’s drop in gender equality rankings. Unlike elsewhere in Europe, this development reflects an impact not so much of the last economic crisis when the government did not pursue the politics of austerity seen across much of the continent. Rather it is the effect of a long-term policy response ...
read more "Call for Tenders: Report/Study on “The effects of the dismantling of the Swedish welfare state on women”"
read more "Call for Tenders: Report/Study on “The effects of the dismantling of the Swedish welfare state on women”"
The fight for climate justice must be feminist, anti-racist and anti-capitalist
What does a feminist perspective mean?
Feminism is constituted by a wide range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements across the globe that share the common goal to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, social and personal equality of the sexes. At the same time, feminist movements fight against gender stereotypes, deconstructing roles and images that are attributed to the biological sex of men and women that most often go along with giving ...
read more "Climate Justice and Gender Justice"
read more "Climate Justice and Gender Justice"
Austerity, Gender Inequality and Feminism after the Crisis in RussiaRussia has been experiencing the results of an acute economic crisis since 2012. However, the government has not been explicit in its declarations regarding austerity policies. On the contrary, it tends to represent its measures as "normal" and generally justifies cuts to public expenditure and reduced spending as part of a new understanding of the welfare state and socio-economic relations. Nevertheless, there is a clear connection ...
read more "”Should Women Have More Rights?” – Traditional Values and Austerity in Russia"
read more "”Should Women Have More Rights?” – Traditional Values and Austerity in Russia"
Austerity, Gender Inequality and Feminism after the Crisis in UkraineFollowing the Euromaidan, the outbreak of war and ensuing economic crisis, the Ukrainian government introduced wide-ranging reforms guided by the neoliberal idea that stability and economic growth can be generated by cutting social spending.
Despite the government's proclaimed intent to support the poorest and weakest members of Ukrainian society, the opposite has occurred, and the negative effects of the new reforms have ended up targeting them most. Women in Ukraine ...
read more "Devaluation of Female Labor and the Retreat of the State"
read more "Devaluation of Female Labor and the Retreat of the State"
Austerity, Gender Inequality and Feminism after the Crisis in IrelandWe find austerity is gendered and that, following almost a decade of austerity, the position of women in Ireland has regressed economically and socially. Different dynamics shape gendered austerity which in some instances re-feminises care, while in other instances forces a process of de-domestication for some women. Contradictions in state policy produce ambiguities that arise when family policy creates logics that pull women towards caring roles while labour market policy ...
read more "Irish Feminist Approaches against Austerity Regimes"
read more "Irish Feminist Approaches against Austerity Regimes"
Austerity, Gender Inequality and Feminism after the Crisis in SpainThe international financial crisis that began in 2007 hit the Spanish economy hard, accelerating the housing market's collapse and increasing unemployment (which rose from 9.6% in 2008 to 26.9% in 2013) and the risk of poverty. The European Union intensified its pressure on Spain in spring 2010, as Zapatero's government approved the first package of austerity measures in May of that year, along with labour market and pension reforms later on. Austerity measures were ...
read more "The Permanent Care Crisis and Its Effects on Gender Equality"
read more "The Permanent Care Crisis and Its Effects on Gender Equality"
Mapping the impacts of austerity on women's lives across Europe"Without us, the world stops working" – This was the slogan under which millions of Spanish women launched a general strike on 8 March 2018. The strike was more than just a strike, however, giving women the opportunity to discuss different related topics and engage in processes of self-organization around questions like work, care, and consumption (read more about the strike).
No other left-wing social movement has protested and organized against patriarchal structures on a global scale...
read more "When the Belt Can’t Get Any Tighter"
read more "When the Belt Can’t Get Any Tighter"
Austerity, Gender Inequality and Feminism after the Crisis in GreeceThough austerity has prevailed across Europe to varying degrees, Greece in particular faces a situation of permanent austerity. The fiscal consolidation programs implemented since 2010 have brought extensive cuts to the public sector, over-taxation, privatizations, institutional reforms, devaluation of labour, high unemployment and precariousness.
The social crisis provoked by fiscal austerity has also had major negative impacts on gender equality, undermining ...
read more "Gendered Aspects of the Austerity Regime in Greece: 2010–2017"
read more "Gendered Aspects of the Austerity Regime in Greece: 2010–2017"