climate change

Climate Change and the Great Inaction

Sean Sweeny, September 2014
New Trade Union PerspectivesFor decades now, the world’s governments have met with the stated goal of meeting the challenge of climate change with a global treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Years of talks have failed to bring about such an agreement. Faced with the enormous political and economic power of the fossil fuel industry, the world’s governments have chosen the path of least resistance: inaction. Despite the science, despite available technology, and despite the moral clarity of the situation, greenhouse gasses continue to rise.Trade ...
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It will stop climate change and the extinction of species and in so doing will create high growth rates and millions of jobs: the green economy. It’s seen as a miraculous weapon. Through it, global capitalism will be stabilised. And then it will be sustainable as well. But what is the green economy? In it, policy parameters are supposed to ensure the flow of capital to make markets and economy «greener» and create «green» jobs. Enterprises are to pay an «appropriate» price for environmental damage. And not least: The state is ...
read more "Beautiful Green World. On the myths of a Green Economy"