Climate Crisis

A vision for achieving climate, social and economic justiceThe prevailing neoliberal global economic system has put societies and nature in a threatening situation. Despite decades of promises to end extreme poverty, to fight world hunger and provide a decent life for all, to mitigate the climate change and the extinction of various species, the economic policy of exploiting nature, resources and people continues to drive the global economy and destroy the foundations of life on the planet and the planet itself. Instead of improvement of living ...
read more "Public events on the Global Green New Deal"

Framing climate politics

Eva D. Davidsdottir
The importance of activism and grassroots engagement in influencing Icelandic parliamentary election 2021Climate change has become a central concern across the globe, for policy makers as well as the private sector and individuals. The broad scientific consensus represented in the status reports of the IPCC not only underline the gravity of the climate crisis and catastrophic consequences of not lowering carbon emissions, but also provide policymakers with a scientific assessment to frame the action needed to stay within a 1,5-2-degree trajectory. Yet, there is a major ...
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Voices from Unions, Workers, Climate Movement, IndustryAbout the book In this study, the obstacles and potential associated with a transformation of the automotive industry and the development of an ecological mobility industry are discussed in dozens of interviews with trade unionists, climate activists and representatives of the automotive industry from Brazil, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Spain, France and Italy. There is a particular focus on positioning in the international value chain, ...
read more "The Need for Transformation – Current Challenges for the International Automotive Sector"
On 21 October, the Copenhagen-based Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO), along with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office, hosted a forum on the challenges of a socially just transition to clean energy, with former Copenhagen City councillor Ulrik Kohl. Kohl, a researcher on community energy in the Nordic countries and Southeast Europe with Malmö University and Roskilde University, spoke about the role of the left and communities in organising grassroots, working class alternatives to the capitalist Green Deal. The idea of a ...
read more "Climate Neutrality and Democratic Ownership after COVID"

The Missing Element

Nessim Achouche
The news over the last few weeks gives us the lasting feeling that the climate crisis has accelerated and we have passed the point of no return. The flow of catastrophic footage started with the extremely unusual heatwave and wildfires in Canada and continued with the massive floods in Belgium and Germany. While Angela Merkel, who has been the German Chancellor for the last 15 years, described the destruction in Germany as “surreal”, these events are all too real and will stay in people’s minds for a long time to come. Meanwhile, the European Commission is ...
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A big deal for fair climate protection or just the latest version of the capitalist model?The Green New Deals are among the few specific proposals setting out how the transition to an environmentally friendly society could happen within a relatively short period without this transformation hitting the most vulnerable members of our society. While they do have their weaknesses and blind spots, they have succeeded in one thing: over the past two years, they have managed to create a new narrative which, beyond all the warnings of disaster, preserves hope based on opportunities for ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic is currently dominating our lives in every respect. Public discussion revolves around the pandemic and how to deal with it, which is understandable given its huge economic and social impact. Yet we are not just dealing with the effects of the pandemic; we are seeing very far-reaching structural changes in the social production process, too. These are primarily related to environmental challenges, especially climate change. Production based on fossil fuels no longer has a future. At the same time, the contradictions inherent in the ...
read more "The European Left and the Green New Deal"