climate justice
A vision for achieving climate, social and economic justiceThe prevailing neoliberal global economic system has put societies and nature in a threatening situation. Despite decades of promises to end extreme poverty, to fight world hunger and provide a decent life for all, to mitigate the climate change and the extinction of various species, the economic policy of exploiting nature, resources and people continues to drive the global economy and destroy the foundations of life on the planet and the planet itself. Instead of improvement of living ...
read more "Public events on the Global Green New Deal"
read more "Public events on the Global Green New Deal"
Back together after pandemicLast weekend of September, people from four corners of Europe and beyond, from Portugal to Israel, gathered in Brussels for the first Beyond Gas Conference since Covid-19 hit our lives.
The conference was both in person and online, allowing us to interact with activists from Japan, USA, Canada, Europe and Africa connected via zoom.
Beyond Gas is a network composed by grassroots movements, NGOs and collectives that want to fight against fossil gas, and be sure that “transition” means real, fair, ecological and social justice ...
read more "Beyond Gas Conference 2021"
read more "Beyond Gas Conference 2021"
With Dalia Gebrial, Mathew Lawrence, Harpreet Kaur PaulNew podcast series in collaboration with Verso Books
Episode 1: How can the left build power in times of crisis? Our first episode, recorded by the beach in Brighton at The World Transformed festival, is hosted by writer and journalist Dalia Gebrial. Dalia is joined by Mathew Lawrence, co-author of Planet on Fire: A Manifesto for the Age of Environmental Breakdown, and Harpreet Kaur Paul, human rights lawyer and co-founder of Tipping Point UK.
Climate justice: from narrative to action: Writers...
read more "Climate justice: from narrative to action"
read more "Climate justice: from narrative to action"
The news over the last few weeks gives us the lasting feeling that the climate crisis has accelerated and we have passed the point of no return. The flow of catastrophic footage started with the extremely unusual heatwave and wildfires in Canada and continued with the massive floods in Belgium and Germany. While Angela Merkel, who has been the German Chancellor for the last 15 years, described the destruction in Germany as “surreal”, these events are all too real and will stay in people’s minds for a long time to come.
Meanwhile, the European Commission is ...
read more "The Missing Element"
read more "The Missing Element"
On 14 July 2021, the European Commission released Fit for 55, its climate protection package implementing the European Climate Law. This package is only a proposal and in the coming months has to be negotiated between the co-legislators, namely the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (whose members comprise government ministers from each EU Member State). This means that the current package could still be watered down or improved, depending on the political majorities in the Parliament and the ...
read more "The European Fit for 55 climate package: inadequate and socially unbalanced"
read more "The European Fit for 55 climate package: inadequate and socially unbalanced"