Final deadline 31 AugustWith the current debate at the European level of the Drinking water Directive and a possible revision of the main piece of legislation at European level the Water Framework Directive pending as well as with an overhaul of the entire water policies in Europe (urban waste water, circular economic, etc.) the European Commission has engaged a process of evaluation of the European water policy. On the National level the landscape is more composite and differentiated with some steps in the remunicipalisation of the ...
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read more "Call for papers for a study on the Struggles around water"
![Image: Empodera & Almedio Consultores / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 []](
From Barcelona to Madrid, and BeyondIn Spain's municipal elections of May 2015, a constellation of new political forces emerged. For the first time in almost 40 years of Spanish democracy, the country’s major cities would no longer be ruled by either the Partido Popular (PP) or the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), or any of the other long established political forces, but by new "Municipalist Confluences" such as Ahora Madrid, Barcelona en Comú, and Cadiz Si Se Puede, to name just a few.
While each of these Municipalist Confluences is the product of specific ...
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read more "Municipalism in Spain"
Shared political agenda for the struggle for healthOn 25 & 26 October 2016, around 20 representatives coming from Africa, South, Central and North America, Asia and Europe met in Brussels to discuss struggles for health around the world. The meeting was co-organised by the European network against health commercialization, People's Health Movement Europe and the Brussels office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
Healthcare systems: past and present trends
In the first part of the workshop we discussed the historical developments of healthcare systems, as well as the current ...
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read more "Healthy changes"
As this report makes depressingly clear, the forcible eviction of people from their homes – whether rented, owned or occupied – is on the rise in Europe.
In some respects, Europe has arrived late to the global eviction party that each year sees millions of people displaced from housing across the world. Over the course of the twentieth century, the various national housing crises afflicting Europe's industrial working classes were gradually tamed through state intervention as part of the broader Keynesian deal that put Western ...
read more "Resisting Evictions Across Europe – now in French!"
read more "Resisting Evictions Across Europe – now in French!"
As this timely report makes depressingly clear, the forcible eviction of people from their homes – whether rented, owned or occupied – is on the rise in Europe.
In some respects, Europe has arrived late to the global eviction party that each year sees millions of people displaced from housing across the world. Over the course of the twentieth century, the various national housing crises afflicting Europe's industrial working classes were gradually tamed through state intervention as part of the broader Keynesian deal that put Western capitalism on a more ...
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read more "Resisting Evictions Across Europe"
Democracy in Municipalities - Requirements for solidary housingWe invited local politicians and activists from social movements as well as interested citizens to exchange experiences and discuss possibilities and requirements of housing policies in communities as a basic political field of right to the city concepts.
A detailed report is available for download.
Rethinking the reproduction of life and the continuity of life on our planet from the perspective of the paradigm of the Common Good of Humanity is an urgent necessity in the current situation.There is need to analyze in depth both the concept at the basis of the paradigm and its implications, to increase the range of its applications, to enable various social actors to strategize around it, and to reflect on the transition from a logic based on capital accumulation to a post-capitalist society based on the acknowledgement of the Common ...
read more "A Post-capitalist Paradigm. The Common Good of Humanity"
read more "A Post-capitalist Paradigm. The Common Good of Humanity"
Report on the conference in March 2012 in RomeThe inherent crisis of neoliberal policies got stronger in the 1990s with different the currency crisis around the world. Liberal thinkers talked about a crisis of governance and the concept of Global Governance was invented as a kind of social democratic answer to the internationalization of the state. It was an attempt to re-embed markets into the political and social processes – today we know that this was a feeble hope.The post-Lehman crisis has for a long time developed itself into a fully...
read more "The Common Good of Humanity – Actors and Strategies"
read more "The Common Good of Humanity – Actors and Strategies"
Report on the conference in March 2012 in RomeThe inherent crisis of neoliberal policies got stronger in the 1990s with different the currency crisis around the world. Liberal thinkers talked about a crisis of governance and the concept of Global Governance was invented as a kind of social democratic answer to the internationalization of the state. It was an attempt to re-embed markets into the political and social processes – today we know that this was a feeble hope.The post-Lehman crisis has for a long time developed itself into a fully...
read more "The Common Good of Humanity – Actors and Strategies"
read more "The Common Good of Humanity – Actors and Strategies"
"As Kosick maintained, homo oeconomicus is not only a theoretical aberration, it is an aberration of reality. The idea of human beings that Neo-classical Economics portrays is, without a doubt, a degeneration, and does little as the explicative axis of current society and even less in relation to the structural crisis in which we are living. Nevertheless, the hedonistic and automatic reductionism of the insatiable consumer that informed Bentham’s utilitarianism, and that absorbs the mainstream of Economics and the Social Sciences, isn’t only an intellectual ...
read more "On Common Good, Money and Credit"
read more "On Common Good, Money and Credit"