The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a global economic recession whose consequences will continue to be felt for years to come, but what comes next? Will we see greater monopolisation and concentration of market power? What, if anything, have we learned since the last financial crisis in 2009? Can the left take advantage of the crisis to win popular support for a new course, for a more social and sustainable alternative?
On 10 June, the Copenhagen-based Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO) partnered with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office to...
read more "Epidemic Economy: A Left Perspective"
read more "Epidemic Economy: A Left Perspective"
On 27 May, the Copenhagen-based Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO), together with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office, hosted a debate with Pelle Dragsted, former MP for Danish left-wing party Enhedslisten and author of the new book Nordisk socialisme: På vej mod en demokratisk økonomi (‘Nordic Socialism: Towards an economic democracy’).
The past year-and-a-half has been extraordinary. The global coronavirus pandemic has caused millions of deaths and triggered an economic crisis on a scale not seen in generations.
read more "Nordic Socialism During and After the COVID-19 Crisis"
read more "Nordic Socialism During and After the COVID-19 Crisis"
***Version française ci-dessous***
The 2020 French municipal elections saw an unprecedented proliferation of “citizens’ lists” composed of non-party affiliated “newcomers”. Less than two years after the Yellow Vests movement burst onto the political scene, this phenomenon should be understood as the result of a multifaceted crisis of local democracy. French municipalism may offer a way out of the crisis, but it faces many constraints.
The French municipal elections of March and June 2020 were marked by the health crisis. In the midst of...
read more "New Municipalism(s) – à la française"
read more "New Municipalism(s) – à la française"
Right in the middle of this second wave of the pandemic, just ahead of the presentation of Italy’s recovery plan, a political crisis inside the government majority has deepened the current uncertainty. While it is hard to understand at first sight, there are reasons for the political crisis – and there is already a winner.
Long-standing tensions inside the majority
Ultimately, the cracks in the governing majority broke wide open. Tensions had been high in the government majority for months. The political crisis ...
read more "Political crisis hits Italy right in the middle of the pandemic"
read more "Political crisis hits Italy right in the middle of the pandemic"
Workshop seriesThe current Corona Pandemic poses important challenges not only for virologists, but for political economists, economists, economic sociologists, and social theorists alike. With the second wave of the pandemic currently under way, it is increasingly obvious that we are about to face an economic crisis that exceeds that Subprime Crisis 2008 and the Euro Crisis 2012 by far. Given the structural changes we witnessed back then, it is only fair to say that the economic, political and social consequences will linger for the years to ...
read more "The socio-political economy of the Corona Pandemic"
read more "The socio-political economy of the Corona Pandemic"
An interview with Ethan EarleRecent weeks have seen massive protests across France, bringing to a close a year that was turbulent even by French political standards. In this interview, Season in Hell editor Ethan Earle discusses Islamophobia and anti-racism, the growing powers of the security state and the rising voices of people in the streets.
Alexandra Spaeth: There have been protests and unrest across France in recent weeks. Can you tell us what they are about, and who is taking part in them?
Ethan Earle: On 24 November, ...
read more "Macron’s Authoritarian Turn Drives Turnout in the Streets"
read more "Macron’s Authoritarian Turn Drives Turnout in the Streets"
Left-wing responses to the economic crisis after CoronaWhile politicians argue about whether it is "socially legitimate" and "economically acceptable" to tax the wealth of the rich, a recently published study reveals a growing social and economic gap between workers and capital owners. What have been the fiscal and economic policy responses of the Italian government to this growing inequality and what left-wing solutions are being put forward?
When considering Italy's current economic and financial crisis, one must take into account two premises. Firstly, since ...
read more "From one crisis to the next?"
read more "From one crisis to the next?"
France’s biggest companies get richer while the rest get only vague promises to 'build back better'. A recent report from the Multinationals Observatory follows the money paid out to France’s 40 largest corporations, and what they did (and didn’t) do with it. Here, the findings of that report are analysed, revealing a shocking Covid-recovery policy that benefits the few at the expense of the many.
***en français ci-dessous***
The amounts made available in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are eye-watering. "The time for public spending has ...
read more "Corporate Welfare in a Time of Pandemic"
read more "Corporate Welfare in a Time of Pandemic"
Implications of the first wave of bailouts for energy and climate policiesThe European Union: new Crisis, same recipe?
The measures taken to deal with the health emergency arising from the spread of COVID-19 have led to an unprecedented economic slowdown. As a result, public institutions have activated plans, mechanisms and instruments that are intended to stop the shock, reactivate the economy and restore pre-pandemic normality. In this context, at a time of great uncertainty big business, like the banks during the financial crisis of 2008, is ...
read more "Spain Recovery Plan: What is really in it?"
read more "Spain Recovery Plan: What is really in it?"
Interview with Martin Schirdewan about the EU budget and the veto being exercised by Poland and HungaryAndreas Thomsen:
Hello, Martin. Hungary and Poland have vetoed the EU budget. Can you tell us briefly what this conflict is all about, and what this means exactly for the EU budget and of course also for the EU coronavirus aid packages?
Martin Schirdewan:
The Hungarian Fidesz and Polish Law and Justice Party (PiS) governments have embarked on a series of authoritarian restructuring measures in recent years that are set on, among other things, putting an end to ...
read more "No agreement in sight"
read more "No agreement in sight"