For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Petter Nilsson, Board member of the Center for Marxist Social Studies and Political Secretary for the Left Party in the City of Stockholm.
The coronavirus crisis is demonstrating the failure of existing trade policy. Goods that are in particular demand during the pandemic – such as protective masks, medicines and medical equipment – are being hijacked, immediately after coming off a plane, by cowboys on the wild-west global market or squirrelled away by rogue elements.
This wild-west mentality is particularly evident in the current crisis, but it also forms part of an international commercial framework geared towards free trade, where policy, dressed up in ideological terms, is tailored to ...
read more "The coronavirus free-trade crisis"
read more "The coronavirus free-trade crisis"
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. David Pontes, Deputy Director at Publico Portugal, shares his impressions about the situation in Portugal.
In light of the coronavirus crisis and the expected economic consequences, a number of European countries (including those most severely affected at the time of writing) have again called for the introduction of Eurobonds. Of course, this time they are going by the name 'coronabonds', but the idea and intended effect are the same. The aim is to raise capital, through issuing common European sovereign bonds, that will then help crisis-hit countries to stabilise their economies or get them back on their feet. Furthermore, unlike national ...
read more "German obstinacy and the end of the European Union"
read more "German obstinacy and the end of the European Union"
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Damir Arsenijević, Founder of the Workers' University Tuzla and Front Slobode, reports from Tuzla.
When, if not today?It was only a matter of time, epidemiologists warned, referring to the explosion of pandemics. And now we are in eye of the storm. Half of humanity is in lockdown, trying to contain the contagion and reduce the numbers of severe cases and death rates. COVID-19’s arrival in the West has exposed the fragility and deterioration of our healthcare systems, but the pandemic merely accelerated and exacerbated a situation caused by the ongoing attempt to commodify the health care sector pushed by neoliberal ruling classes worldwide.
Now, ...
read more "We Need a Global Struggle for Health"
read more "We Need a Global Struggle for Health"
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Second part from Melanie Stitz, Regional Office Director, North Rhine-Westphalia.
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Malte Herbers from MediNetz Hanover describes the difficult situation faced by many people in Germany right now.
Solidarity in the corona crisis and afterSix weeks after the first corona virus case was reported in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel opened herself up to questions from the public for the first time. In an urgent appeal to the population, she called for solidarity: “Our reason, our heart for one another” were being put to the test, she said, and she hoped we would pass the test. But how solidary can a society be when its social relations of which are based on competition, the credo of which is “every man for himself, every man for his own”? ...
read more "“Our Reason, Our Heart for One Another”"
read more "“Our Reason, Our Heart for One Another”"
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Miguel Lovera, agronomist at Heñoi (Center for Studies and Promotion of Democracy, Human Rights and Social and Environmental Sustainability) explains us the connection between the country`s corona virus measures and the precarious food situation in Paraguay.