
This book is the result of a collective effort. In fact, it has been written by many contributors from all over the world – women, men, activists, and scholars from very different socio-cultural contexts and political horizons, who give testimony to an even greater scope of social change. Their common concern is to show not only that alternatives do exist, despite the neoliberal mantra of the “end of history”, but that many of these alternatives are currently unfolding – even if in many cases they remain invisible to us. This book brings...
read more "Alternatives in a World of Crisis: 2nd edition"
About the Global Working Group The Global Working Group Beyond Development is hosted by the Brussels Office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung since 2016. It includes around thirty engaged researchers, activists and popular educators from all five continents which bring together knowledge and experience around the different relations of domination which we confront in actual times – class, race, gender, caste, coloniality and depredatory relations with Nature – and also from processes of alternative transformations towards greater equity, ...
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to promote a critical dialogue on democracyGlobal Working Group Beyond Development Under the auspices of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office, the Global Working Group Beyond Development wants to exchange experiences of and generate knowledge about alternatives to the currently dominant hegemonic ways of life. Background and Objectives Contemporary way of life is defined by substantial and rapid transformations of human impact on our social, ecological and political environments: commodification of nature and accelerated ecological destruction of livelihoods ...
read more "Call for Contributions"
Narrative ReportIntroduction The Global working group Beyond Development realized its third meeting in May 2018 in Barcelona to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the defense, expansion, articulation and building of urban alternatives in the contemporary world. In our meeting in 2017 in Quito, Ecuador we established a common political and analytical framework to guide our collective work, and also identified crucial strategic issues and challenges that needed to be engaged (Lang 2018). We chose Barcelona as the place to take on the discussion on radical ...
read more "Radical Urban Transformations"
From the text:Die Kunst im Sinne eines interkulturellen Dialogs ist Medium von Kommunikation und zugleich Kommunikation per se. Ihre mediatorische Dimension ergibt sich daraus, dass sie Resultat und Auslöser von gesellschaftlichen Prozessen ist, die auf der Produktion und Rezeption von künstlerischen Werken und Konzepten beruhen. Auf Grund dieser notwendigen Verbindung sind sie mehr als ‚nur’ Kunst. Dieses ‚Mehr’ ist ihr ‚Anderes’, was daraus resultiert, ...
read more "Considerations on Art as a “Third Place,” and as a “Lingua Franca” of Intercultural Dialogue (German)"
From the text:Die Kunst im Sinne eines interkulturellen Dialogs ist Medium von Kommunikation und zugleich Kommunikation per se. Ihre mediatorische Dimension ergibt sich daraus, dass sie Resultat und Auslöser von gesellschaftlichen Prozessen ist, die auf der Produktion und Rezeption von künstlerischen Werken und Konzepten beruhen. Auf Grund dieser notwendigen Verbindung sind sie mehr als ‚nur’ Kunst. Dieses ‚Mehr’ ist ihr ‚Anderes’, was daraus resultiert, ...
read more "Considerations on Art as a “Third Place,” and as a “Lingua Franca” of Intercultural Dialogue (German)"
From the text:Die Kunst im Sinne eines interkulturellen Dialogs ist Medium von Kommunikation und zugleich Kommunikation per se. Ihre mediatorische Dimension ergibt sich daraus, dass sie Resultat und Auslöser von gesellschaftlichen Prozessen ist, die auf der Produktion und Rezeption von künstlerischen Werken und Konzepten beruhen. Auf Grund dieser notwendigen Verbindung sind sie mehr als ‚nur’ Kunst. Dieses ‚Mehr’ ist ihr ‚Anderes’, was daraus resultiert, dass die ...
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I would like to start my talk with a remark which has no direct connection to CULTURE, but I think we can’t do without a somewhat dramatic observation: We are currently experiencing the decline of Europe and of the role of Europe. The dynamic is gone; the citizens don’t understand the European Union.Two very different people told me quite memorable things recently. The first was one of our friends who works for the World Social Forum and organizes meetings all around the world, especially at the Social Forums in Africa and Latin America. He ...
read more "Europe Must Become Conscious of its Own Culture"