
Port of Veracruz in Mexico
Port of Veracruz in Mexico
A comment from MexicoThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, Mexico and the US entered into force on the 1st of January 1994. It is the worst tragedy that has happened in Mexico’s economic history.* Since its beginning, this Free Trade Agreement (FTA) turned out to be a spearhead for a hard offensive by the US to undermine Mexico’s national sovereignty. By being the only country in the world that has followed the Washington consensus to the letter throughout three and half decades, Mexico has ...
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Economic Guidelines for a Better Union

John Weeks & Jeremy Smith
This report on EU and national guidelines for fiscal balances, commissioned by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Brussels Office, is written at a time when the EU and member state national governments appear determined to make the present highly constrictive fiscal rules, which have heavily contributed to an overall poor economic performance, even tighter. Despite the fact that the global financial crisis was a crisis brought on by excessive private debt, the EU and its most powerful member states insisted that the answer was to bear down ever more strongly ...
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Image: Steve Rhodes, Debt / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Image: Steve Rhodes, Debt / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Debt Crisis in Poland and its Impact on Society

Gavin Rae, Kozminski University, 2014
Abstract This paper considers the question of public debt and how it impacts upon other areas of socio-economic life in Poland, in the context of the recent global economic crisis. It begins by placing Poland’s public debt in its historical context that reaches back to the Communist period. One result of the large debt incurred during this time, was that Poland became indebted and dependent upon creditors in the West. This dependency helped to shape its neo-liberal economic policy from the late 1980s. This has resulted in a large ...
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Susanne Soederberg is the author of "Debtfare States and the Poverty Industry: Money, Discipline and the Surplus Population". Her contribution at the conference focused on student debt which exceeds the total amount of all other forms of unsecured consumer debt in the USA today. This interview was made at the conference "Alternative Solutions to the Debt Crisis", 6-8 March 2014.
Andy Storey explains how Ireland is affected by the debt crisis and which exit strategies exist beyond the existing austerity measures. This interview was made at the conference "Alternative Solutions to the Debt Crisis", 6-8 March 2014.
Mabrouka Mbarek, a member of Tunesia's Constituent Assembly and advisor on debt and transparency to the country's president, presents the debt problems of post-revolutionary Tunisia. This interview was made at the conference "Alternative Solutions to the Debt Crisis", 6-8 March 2014.
As a member of the Greek SYRIZA Party Yiannis Milios explains how the debt crisis affects Greece and presents his thoughts on possible alternatives. This interview was made at the conference "Alternative Solutions to the Debt Crisis", 6-8 March 2014.
Ecuadorian economist Alberto Acosta talks about how Ecuador dealt with its debt crisis and lessons learned from Latin America. This interview was made at the conference "Alternative Solutions to the Debt Crisis", 6-8 March 2014.
Report on the conference in Brussels, 6 to 8 March 2014Aiming to highlight and to discuss alternative solutions to the debt crisis, academics, politicians and activists met in March 2014 at the international conference organized by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and the European Network on Debt and Development (eurodad). They presented their ideas on solving the debt crisis to over 80 participants in Brussels.First we asked about the political prospects for alternative ways out of the debt crisis. Politics have failed in handling the crisis, said Axel ...
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The Members of different Parliaments of Europe, both at national and European levels, call for an immediate suspension of EU debt repayment by Tunisia (with frozen interests) and an auditing of the debt.The press release was initiated by Marie-Christine Vergiat (Front de Gauche), Gabi Zimmer (Die Linke) MEP, and CADTM (Committee for the Abolition of the Third World Debt). In the meantime, the call has been undersigned by a great number of parlamentarians.Further Information: Call to national and European MPs : For an audit of ...
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