Why far-right populism won the Swedish election, but is making the right lose its credibilityAfter five weeks of complicated negotiations, on 18 October 2022 Sweden’s Parliament (Riksdagen) elected the most far-right government in the country’s history. The centre-right Moderates, along with their junior partners, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, depend on support from the far-right Sweden Democrats to govern. The Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) actually received more votes than any other party on the right, but didn’t ...
read more "Sweden’s four messy months of right-wing government"
read more "Sweden’s four messy months of right-wing government"
Event report on the launch of our new volume «The Crisis and Future of Democracy»How can the left mobilise in times like these? What lessons to draw from earlier protest movements? Those were the questions put to a panel of authors of the recently published volume “The Crisis and Future of Democracy”, published by the Brussels office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
Is democracy in jeopardy?
Starting point of the discussion was a brief examination of the most important challenges to democracy today. David Bailey of ...
read more "What role for democracy in progressive mobilisation in Europe today?"
read more "What role for democracy in progressive mobilisation in Europe today?"
About the anthology
Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise of authoritarian populism, the polarisation of politics and the attacks on the foundations of liberal representative democracy leave little doubt about it. The fallout of the COVID-19 crisis has only reinforced these tendencies. Yet, we also see a revitalisation of radical demands for democratic renewal. Societies are once again acknowledging that inequality is hurting democracy. Calls for democratic regulation of key sectors are getting louder.
Demands for inclusion, equality and redistributive ...
read more "The Crisis and Future of Democracy"
read more "The Crisis and Future of Democracy"
in edited volume “The Crisis and Future of Democracy”Background & objectives (edited volume)
Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise and rise of authoritarian populism as well as the accompanying polarisation of politics and sustained attacks on the fundamental norms and foundations of liberal democracy in Europe and elsewhere have made that clear. Yet these symptoms are also reflective of a much longer decline of institutions in contemporary liberal representative democracies. Low levels of ...
read more "“The rise of authoritarian populism and European integration: Central East and South East Europe”"
read more "“The rise of authoritarian populism and European integration: Central East and South East Europe”"
Ethan Earle: First off, I want to say that today is July 14, Bastille Day, the French national holiday celebrating the storming of the Bastille, which was a medieval armory, fortress and political prison representing royal authority and power in the center of Paris. The takeover of the Bastille by ordinary French women and men represented a massive turning point in the French Revolution, and, while Bastille Day is now typically celebrated with Europe’s largest military parade and other accoutrements of crude nationalism ...
read more "Interview with Ethan Earle about the Gilets jaunes and French democracy"
read more "Interview with Ethan Earle about the Gilets jaunes and French democracy"
Call for contributions to edited volume “The Crisis and Future of Representative Democracy”Background & objectives
Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise and rise of authoritarian populism as well as the accompanying polarisation of politics and sustained attacks on the fundamental norms and foundations of liberal democracy in Europe and elsewhere have made that clear. Yet these symptoms are also reflective of a much longer decline of institutions in contemporary liberal representative democracies. Low levels of ...
read more "“Closer to the people? On (direct) democracy in the age of digitalisation”"
read more "“Closer to the people? On (direct) democracy in the age of digitalisation”"
Edited volume “The Crisis and Future of Representative Democracy”Background & objectives
Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise and rise of authoritarian populism as well as the accompanying polarisation of politics and sustained attacks on the fundamental norms and foundations of liberal democracy in Europe and elsewhere have made that clear. Yet these symptoms are also reflective of a much longer decline of institutions in contemporary liberal representative democracies. Low levels of electoral participation, low ...
read more "Call for contributions: the relationship of liberal democracy and racism"
read more "Call for contributions: the relationship of liberal democracy and racism"
Mainstream governance and development models – characterised by seemingly democratic but inherently centralised and top-down governance systems and extractive, commercially motivated, capitalist economic policies – have failed to achieve minimum levels of well-being for a very large part of humanity. They have in fact caused large-scale human and environmental injustice. However, there are also countertrends either resisting current models or developing and defending alternative forms of governance and ...
read more "On the Cusp: Reframing Democracy and Well-Being in Korchi, India"
read more "On the Cusp: Reframing Democracy and Well-Being in Korchi, India"
Report on European citizens' initiativesThe Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS) is an internationally operating, left, non-profit organisation for civic education affiliated with Germany’s 'Die Linke' (Left Party). Active since 1990, the foundation undertakes analysis of social and political processes and developments worldwide. We are committed to peace, democracy, social justice and democratic socialism based on international solidarity. The RLS Brussels Office is a think tank that addresses European and international issues from a left-wing perspective and promotes political ...
read more "Call for Authors"
read more "Call for Authors"
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Melanie Stitz, Regional Office Director, North Rhine-Westphalia, covers a variety of topics related to the current crisis.