
This book is the result of a collective effort. In fact, it has been written by many contributors from all over the world – women, men, activists, and scholars from very different socio-cultural contexts and political horizons, who give testimony to an even greater scope of social change. Their common concern is to show not only that alternatives do exist, despite the neoliberal mantra of the “end of history”, but that many of these alternatives are currently unfolding – even if in many cases they remain invisible to us. This book brings...
read more "Alternatives in a World of Crisis: 2nd edition"
About the Global Working Group The Global Working Group Beyond Development is hosted by the Brussels Office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung since 2016. It includes around thirty engaged researchers, activists and popular educators from all five continents which bring together knowledge and experience around the different relations of domination which we confront in actual times – class, race, gender, caste, coloniality and depredatory relations with Nature – and also from processes of alternative transformations towards greater equity, ...
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to promote a critical dialogue on democracyGlobal Working Group Beyond Development Under the auspices of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office, the Global Working Group Beyond Development wants to exchange experiences of and generate knowledge about alternatives to the currently dominant hegemonic ways of life. Background and Objectives Contemporary way of life is defined by substantial and rapid transformations of human impact on our social, ecological and political environments: commodification of nature and accelerated ecological destruction of livelihoods ...
read more "Call for Contributions"
Narrative ReportIntroduction The Global working group Beyond Development realized its third meeting in May 2018 in Barcelona to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the defense, expansion, articulation and building of urban alternatives in the contemporary world. In our meeting in 2017 in Quito, Ecuador we established a common political and analytical framework to guide our collective work, and also identified crucial strategic issues and challenges that needed to be engaged (Lang 2018). We chose Barcelona as the place to take on the discussion on radical ...
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Beyond Gas Conference 2019

Naomi Kreitman (Gastivists Collective)
Connecting struggles between North and SouthWho, What & Why In March 2019, members of the Beyond Gas community met in Brussels to share, connect and strategize together. This comes after Beyond Gas conferences in 2016 and 2017, and an online conference in 2018 organised by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and other NGOs. The Beyond Gas network brings together activists from around the world who fight the global push for new gas projects. As a way to hold onto their power, and capitalise from the climate crisis, the fossil fuel industry is promoting gas as a climate ...
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Global Working Group Beyond Development, Barcelona 16-21 April 2018The Global Working Group Beyond Development (GWG) brings together around 30 political activists and academics from five continents, representing a wide range of social-cultural struggles. The GWG aims to help build ecologically sustainable, radically democratic and economically viable alternatives to the exploitative and unequal modes of living that are engendered by global capitalism. Under the auspices of the Rosa-Luxemburg- Stiftung ...
read more "Two calls for tenders – meeting facilitation and note-taking/preparation of report"
Image: Roșia Montană, Cristian Bortes / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
Image: Roșia Montană, Cristian Bortes / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
Given the highly uneven dynamics of global capitalism and the constantly occurring crises in many regions of the world, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office, invited to a first meeting to enhance a transnational exchange of global and local problems as well as resistances and alternatives. Under the header “Beyond the development imperative”, political activists and critical scholars met in January 2016 for three days (with Ashish Kothari, Kalpavriksh, India, and Ulrich Brand, Vienna University, Austria, as ...
read more "Beyond Development. Overcoming an imperative and fostering alternatives"
Report on the Seminar in Israel, 10-14 Oct. 2012 (German)Die Büros der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Brüssel und Tel Aviv führten im Oktober 2012 zum zweiten Mal gemeinsam ein Expertentreffen durch, um zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren, Akademikern und linken Politikern ein Forum für gegenseitige Information und einen intensiven Meinungsaustausch zu geben sowie die Bildung gemeinsamer Netzwerke zu eruieren. Das erste Treffen im Mai 2011 in Brüssel hatte sich auf aktuelle politische Tendenzen in Israel und Europa, insbesondere auf konkrete Fragen der ...
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Report on the seminar in May 2011What is the condition of democracy in today’s Europe, and what challenges does it face in the Middle East? That was the issue discussed by representatives of academia, politics and civil society at the end of May 2011 at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Brussels. The topic of the exchange of opinion was purposely formulated openly, and extended from questions of party and media democracy, through the rights of women and minorities, to internal security and right-wing ...
read more "Democracy in Europe and the Middle East: Impressions of the European-Israeli Exchange"