energy transition
PUBLIC OWNERSHIP FOR A FULL, JUST ENERGY TRANSITIONPrivate interests are currently grabbing an enormous energy resource: wind. The transition away from fossil fuels, therefore, runs the risk of enriching elites – chiefly land-owners, whose property rights extend upwards by Medieval principle. They are reaping royalties while frequently depriving their land-poor neighbors of all economic benefit from wind farms. In response, excluded rural communities are propelling anti-turbine movements powerful enough to slow installation across Europe.
So we need to address two problems...
read more "The Wind Commons"
read more "The Wind Commons"
Connecting struggles between North and SouthClimate change is rising as a global threat for the environment with already devastating effects on the most vulnerable populations at the national and international scale. It is now understood that only a drastic change in energy policies combined with a systemic climate action globally can mitigate those disastrous environmental and social effects. At the same time the gas industry, extracting and transporting an extremely harmful fossil fuel for the climate and communities, is pushing for more infrastructures in Europe as...
read more "Beyond Gas Conference 2019"
read more "Beyond Gas Conference 2019"
Connecting struggles between North and SouthWho, What & Why
In March 2019, members of the Beyond Gas community met in Brussels to share, connect and strategize together. This comes after Beyond Gas conferences in 2016 and 2017, and an online conference in 2018 organised by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and other NGOs. The Beyond Gas network brings together activists from around the world who fight the global push for new gas projects. As a way to hold onto their power, and capitalise from the climate crisis, the fossil fuel industry is promoting gas as a climate ...
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read more "Beyond Gas Conference 2019"
The car drivers' uprising?Since November 17th, in response to Macron's announcement of a tax increase on petrol and diesel, France has been experiencing mass blockades of road traffic. Macron wants to use this eco-tax to finance climate protection measures. According to media reports, almost 300,000 people participated in blockades on the first day of protest, and there have already been more than 2,000 protests throughout the country. In addition to several hundred injured, two people have already lost their lives. The following Saturday there were visibly fewer ...
read more "The Yellow Vests in France"
read more "The Yellow Vests in France"
Report on the Just Transition Conference on 4 December 2017 in BrusselsSince the Climate Summit COP21 in Paris in 2015, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels, the Delegation DIE LINKE in the European Parliament and transform! Europe have been working together with trade unionists, environmental activists and politicians, in order to promote the European debate on the phasing-out of fossil energy generation and on the socio-ecological transformation. Now it is high time to win political majorities for this ...
read more "Good climate jobs and municipal solutions for a just transition to a low-carbon society"
read more "Good climate jobs and municipal solutions for a just transition to a low-carbon society"
Report of the international conference in Brussels | 21-23 Sep 2017deutsch - english - español - françaisWhat, who, why
At the end of September 2017, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office hosted the three-day conference Global gas lock-in: linking North-South resistance. Over 50 participants – frontline communities, activists, NGOs, academics and decision-makers – gathered to discuss the dangerous impacts of gas, share their experiences and decide on international activities to work on for the year to come.
Download the full ...
read more "Global Gas Lock-In: Linking North-South Resistance"
read more "Global Gas Lock-In: Linking North-South Resistance"
A progressive alliance against energy poverty in the EU. Report of the energy policy workshop "Affordable Energy, a Basic Social Right – How to Abolish Energy Poverty?" | 29 May 2017 | European Parliament, BrusselsA cold home in winter and no light after dark. It is estimated that 11 per cent of the EU’s total population directly suffers from, or is at high risk of, energy poverty.(1) According to other estimates, up to 125 million EU citizens are affected.(2) Even in a wealthy country like Germany some 350,000 people are forced to live without electricity. Up...
read more "Energy as a basic social right"
read more "Energy as a basic social right"
Conference "Global gas lock-in: linking North-South resistance" - Video and picture galleryLocal activists and NGOs who are fighting against gas projects all around the world came together at a large international conference in Brussels which took place from 21 to 23 September 2017. Under the headline "Global gas lock-in: linking North-South resistance", participants took part in different activities aiming at building and strengthening a global network to fight against extraction, pipelines, LNG Terminals and to phase out all fossil fuels.
More information, the ...
read more "Time to go beyond gas!"
read more "Time to go beyond gas!"
The socioecological implications of Germany's model of capitalist developmentOnce upon a time there existed a country in the heart of Europe that had learnt its lessons. Under great pains it had struggled to come to terms with its dreadful history. Purified by this process, our country rose again, generously reaching out to its neighbours and helping them to navigate the choppy waters of the "great recession" (the financial and economic crisis that has held us tight in its grip since 2008). It provided leadership in women's and men's football, ...
read more "Germany as a “Climate Saviour”"
read more "Germany as a “Climate Saviour”"
Progressive social and political forces discussed the issues of a new industrial strategy for EuropeThis conference, a joint initiative of transform! europe, the Nicos Poulantzas Institute and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels office, brought trade unionists, researchers, politicians and representatives of NGOs together in Brussels (19 and 20 June 2017) to tackle the issues of a new industrial strategy for Europe could help us find a new path for Europe. This strategy should be based on the following principles: a truly progressive ...
read more "Finding a New Path – Another Development for Europe"
read more "Finding a New Path – Another Development for Europe"