EU elections

Sweden’s Left Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar and the party’s top candidates for the EU elections Jonas Sjöstedt and Hanna Gedin at the election night.
After winning over 11 percent of the vote, and two mandates, in June’s European Parliament elections, the Swedish Left Party Vänsterpartiet is celebrating its best election results in twenty years. The historic result brought the party a step closer to fulfilling large parts of its main strategy, something it has been working towards for more than a decade. How this outcome is to be interpreted – whether as a direct result of this strategy, or a widening of it – is now up for debate. The European election also took place mere...
read more "Sweden’s Left Party celebrates its biggest win in 20 year"
IMAGO/Kristian Tuxen Ladegaard Berg
Record results for (Centre-)Left parties in the Nordic countries, with far-right parties losing ground. Denmark, Finland and Sweden surprised during the European elections with results that seemed to contradict the political drift in much of the rest of Europe. While this is a ‘ray of hope’ to many on the progressive spectrum, do these results really signify the development of a countertrend? And what might be the implications in the mid-term? The Rosa-Luxemburg’s Foundation’s Ada Regelmann gives a sober...
read more "More than just an electoral upwind? Nordic left-wing parties after the EU elections"
Protest against the European Union’s Green Deal ahead of EU parliamentary elections, Warsaw May 10, 2024.
The European Parliament elections on 9 June will be the third nationwide elections to take place in Poland in eight months. They are expected to set the course for the 2025 presidential elections and will serve as an important test of whether the new coalition of the liberal Koalicja Obywatelska (Civic Coalition), the conservative Trzecia Droga (Third Way), and the social democratic Nowa Lewica (New Left) can maintain their hold on government in the long term.
read more "The EU Elections in Poland"
Giorgia Meloni at a meeting with the Czech prime minister in Rome, 13 May 2024.
IMAGO/Italy Photo Press
“Just write Giorgia!” For Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia party, June’s European elections are all about the prime minister, who is its top-listed candidate in all five Italian constituencies. Since her popularity outstrips her party’s, some pollsters suggest that putting her name on the ballot paper could bring her list an extra 2 percent support, although she won’t become an MEP. In April, the Interior Ministry declared that “Giorgia” counts as a “nickname”— so, simply writing this word across your ballot paper ...
read more "“With Giorgia, Italy Is Changing Europe”"
Rede von PTB-Präsident Raoul Hedebouw am 1. Mai 2024 in Brüssel, Belgien.
IMAGO/Photo News
(German) In Belgien finden die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament wieder im Schatten der nationalen Parlaments- und Regionalwahlen statt, somit dürfte auch mit ähnlichen Ergebnissen zu rechnen sein. Wird die belgische Arbeiterpartei PTB nach diesem Superwahljahr ihren Schwung beibehalten können?
read more "The Inexorable Rise of the Belgian Workers’ Party"
Agnes Stuber
An interview with Hanna Gedin from the Swedish Left Party Vänsterpartiet on the priorities and challenges of the Swedish Left ahead of the European elections.  In the lead up to the 2024 European Parliament elections this June, the Rosa Luxemburg-Stiftung is conducting a series of interviews with parties and candidates from across the EU on the election campaign, their political demands, and the challenges for left forces domestically and at a European level. Duroyan Fertl spoke to Hanna Gedin, second on the list for Swedish left party ...
read more "”We need to give people hope”"