(German) In Belgien finden die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament wieder im Schatten der nationalen Parlaments- und Regionalwahlen statt, somit dürfte auch mit ähnlichen Ergebnissen zu rechnen sein. Wird die belgische Arbeiterpartei PTB nach diesem Superwahljahr ihren Schwung beibehalten können?
read more "The Inexorable Rise of the Belgian Workers’ Party"
read more "The Inexorable Rise of the Belgian Workers’ Party"
Event Report*****Find the full report at the end of the page*****
On June 27, 2023, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and Counter Balance organized a roundtable in Brussels on European Public Investments for a Socially Just Transition, bringing together labor unions, civil society organizations, and academics. The aim was to discuss the impact of EU public investments on energy, housing, public services, and industry and to facilitate dialogue on pressing issues in these areas.
The discussions began with a focus on ...
read more "Roundtable on European Public Investments for a Socially Just Transition"
read more "Roundtable on European Public Investments for a Socially Just Transition"
A Call for Sustainable Alternatives to the EU-ASEAN Trade Regime
This report explores the effects of existing trade agreements between ASEAN and EU states, takes a look at possible effects induced by potential developments of these trade agreements, and discusses alternatives to their approach to organizing ASEAN and EU trade relations.
We seek to offer an understanding of the positions of the various layers and the general mechanisms behind historical and present developments around the emergence of a free trade regime leading us to FTA negotiations ...
read more "Casting off the Chains of Unfair Trade"
read more "Casting off the Chains of Unfair Trade"
Women's Labour Market Participation in the EU: Obstacles and Policy LeversThe EU has a long tradition of – in what it says at least – supporting women’s labour-market participation and promoting social security policies. The EU’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are among its most recent attempts to achieve this, with the SDGs’ promise to end “all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere”. Have such policies yielded any substantive results when it comes to improving ...
read more "Sustainable Illusions?"
read more "Sustainable Illusions?"
So far, there has not been a lot of discussion on African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) in Europe and Germany. Generally speaking, AfCFTA is welcomed as an African initiative. But there is a lack of discussion as to potential pitfalls of the AfCFTA.
The ultimate aim of the webinar was to get a better understanding on how European policies must be crafted in order to support the realization of increased economic integration and prosperity within Africa. How will AfCFTA reshape economic relations between ...
read more "Webinar on the Political Economy of the African Continental Free Trade Area"
read more "Webinar on the Political Economy of the African Continental Free Trade Area"
When the facade of a 'slowly but surely' approach results in a missed opportunityIn an editorial published on 12 April 2020, the Institut Rousseau warned of the illusions and delusions surrounding the idea – which was on everyone's lips at the time – of 'coronabonds' and a European funding mechanism. We wrote: "the main benefit of eurobonds ... would be to add a budgetary funding capacity exceeding that of all [EU] Member States taken individually. This means assuming that the whole is more than the sum of its parts, and that more investments would be allowed in ...
read more "The European recovery plan"
read more "The European recovery plan"
The Turkish-Greek tensions at the edge of the AegeanIn a televised speech on 30 August 2020 in the presence of senior figures from the country's military, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared: "We will not run away from combat, nor will we shrink from it when we have to mourn martyrs. But are those squaring up to us in the Mediterranean and the disputed zones ready to make the same sacrifices?" This was widely seen as a threat of war, whether realistic or not – a threshold had been crossed.
A few days later, it was ...
read more "A gas dispute or an attempt to shake up the regional order?"
read more "A gas dispute or an attempt to shake up the regional order?"
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the EU’s healthcare and public sectors to be ill-equipped to respond to the outbreak in accordance with international best practice. A decade of austerity imposed by the European Union institutions and EU Member State governments has caused significant deterioration in healthcare services across the EU. The Stability and Growth Pact has been the central tool used to enforce austerity across the EU since the 2008 financial crisis. Member States’ spending on healthcare provision has been targeted for reduction ...
read more "The EU’s role in attacking healthcare"
read more "The EU’s role in attacking healthcare"