
Li Andersson during a presidential candidates’ debate in Helsinki, 27 January 2024.
As the European Parliament elections this June draw nearer, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is conducting a series of interviews with left-wing parties and candidates from across the EU on the election campaign, their political programmes, and the challenges facing left-wing forces domestically and at a European level. The foundation’s Duroyan Fertl spoke to Li Andersson, leader of the Finnish Left Alliance, Vasemmistoliitto, about her party’s priorities in this super election year.
read more "Opposing Finland’s Thatcherist Turn"
Protest against the plannen Reform of the Common European Asylum System, Berlin September 2023.
Protest against the plannen Reform of the Common European Asylum System, Berlin September 2023.IMAGO / IPON

Is the CEAS Reform a Tipping Point?

Clara Bünger, Bernd Kasparek, Hannah Schurian
Last spring, millions of Ukrainian civilians fleeing the Russian invasion of their country settled across the European Union. They were welcomed with open arms, given places to live, jobs to work, and were generally the object of unconditional solidarity whether in Poland, Germany, or Spain. Yet Europe’s attitude towards other migrants and refugees has been less forgiving. Tens of thousands of migrants drown in the Mediterranean Sea every year while attempting to reach Southern Europe, and an increasingly xenophobic tone dominates European politics as ...
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Martin Schirdewan, co-chair of The Left in the European Parliament.
Martin Schirdewan, co-chair of The Left in the European Parliament.The Left via Flicker

“It’s about the Sustainability of This Continent”

Martin Schirdewan, Albert Scharenberg
A conversation with Martin Schirdewan, co-chair of The Left in the European Parliament In a little under a year, from 6 to 9 June 2024, elections to the European Parliament will be held across all 27 European Union member-states. A lot is up for grabs. The last five years have been turbulent ones in the EU, with the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic recession — coming only a decade after the last major economic crisis — compelling the European Commission to establish the Recovery and Resilience Facility, a 750-billion-euro ...
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Event Report*****Find the full report at the end of the page*****   On June 27, 2023, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and Counter Balance organized a roundtable in Brussels on European Public Investments for a Socially Just Transition, bringing together labor unions, civil society organizations, and academics. The aim was to discuss the impact of EU public investments on energy, housing, public services, and industry and to facilitate dialogue on pressing issues in these areas. The discussions began with a focus on ...
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Premier Giorgia Meloni taking part in her first European Council on 15 December 2022 since leading a right-wing coalition to victory in Italy’s general election
Premier Giorgia Meloni taking part in her first European Council on 15 December 2022 since leading a right-wing coalition to victory in Italy’s general

The Far Right Is Here to Stay

David Broder
“Macron 2017 = Le Pen 2022” — upon the first election of France’s uber-neoliberal president, a slogan graffitied across Paris echoed left-wing common sense about the collapsing political centre. After Donald Trump’s ascent to the US presidency and the Brexit referendum, corporate liberalism stood accused of driving the losers of globalization into the arms of nationalists promising to protect them. Yet during the pandemic, the centre-left claimed a series of victories that, some claimed, marked the ebbing of this threat. With Trump out of office, the ...
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Online Conference «Working time reduction and climate crisis»

European Network for the fair sharing of working time
What role for working time reduction when addressing climate change?About the conference: The shorter working week has always been at the heart of the labour movement. The eight-hour movement extended beyond borders and ensured that today we enjoy things like the weekend and the eight-hour day. After decades in the political wilderness, the shorter working week is fast becoming one of the major political issues across Europe: now it is not only about workers’ wellbeing, equality and the reduction of unemployment – now it ...
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Shorter working week newsletter 8

European Network for the Fair Sharing of Working Time
The newsletter is published every two months and capture the latest, most exciting developments in working-time reduction from across Europe.  It is produced by the New Economics Foundation (UK), and is coordinated by ATTAC (Germany – Group ArbeitFAIRTeilen) and Réseau Roosevelt (France). It is supported by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.   You find the shorter working week newsletter 8 here. If you want to receive the newsletter automatically please sign up here.

Shorter working week newsletter 6

European Network for the Fair Sharing of Working Time
The newsletter is published every two months and capture the latest, most exciting developments in working-time reduction from across Europe.  It is produced by the New Economics Foundation (UK), and is coordinated by ATTAC (Germany – Group ArbeitFAIRTeilen) and Réseau Roosevelt (France). It is supported by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. You find the shorter working week newsletter 6 here. If you want to receive the newsletter automatically please sign up here.
Call for contributions to edited volume “The Crisis and Future of Representative Democracy”Background & objectives Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise and rise of authoritarian populism as well as the accompanying polarisation of politics and sustained attacks on the fundamental norms and foundations of liberal democracy in Europe and elsewhere have made that clear. Yet these symptoms are also reflective of a much longer decline of institutions in contemporary liberal representative democracies. Low levels of ...
read more "“Closer to the people? On (direct) democracy in the age of digitalisation”"
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the EU’s healthcare and public sectors to be ill-equipped to respond to the outbreak in accordance with international best practice. A decade of austerity imposed by the European Union institutions and EU Member State governments has caused significant deterioration in healthcare services across the EU. The Stability and Growth Pact has been the central tool used to enforce austerity across the EU since the 2008 financial crisis. Member States’ spending on healthcare provision has been targeted for reduction ...
read more "The EU’s role in attacking healthcare"