The MeToo movement got off to a slow start in Denmark, with the initial conversation focusing as much on the movement’s legitimacy as on understanding and tackling the problem. Only when the public’s TV darling Sofie Linde shared her own experiences, and a substantial number of media professionals and young politicians teamed up, did the movement gain strength.
A handful of prominent cases has since led to contract terminations for male individuals and to in-depth scrutiny internally in numerous companies and work branches, to ...
read more "#OneOfUs – MeToo and the myth of gender-equal Denmark"
read more "#OneOfUs – MeToo and the myth of gender-equal Denmark"
The struggle for women's rights has always generated reactionary waves from all those who refuse to question their privileges, relinquish power and unsettle the patriarchal structures on which capitalism is based. The far right, intent on reversing social policies and agreements on human rights as well as halting any progress being made, has put into action a whole raft of strategies being implemented across the globe.
In Spain, opposition to feminism used to be rooted mainly in a religious and ...
read more "The Spanish far-right’s strategies to oppose women’s rights and social advances"
read more "The Spanish far-right’s strategies to oppose women’s rights and social advances"
An introductive video seriesTo speak of feminist economics is not simply to give a surname to something as orthodox as classic economic studies. Feminist economics re-think traditional analyses and include in them all those invisible activities that are nevertheless indispensable for life to exist and for society to function. Activities that, traditionally, have been taken care of by women's hands. Feminist economics not only observe, but also proposes political action around this idea.
In this series of videos, we will look at different aspects of feminist economics based...
read more "Feminist Economics"
read more "Feminist Economics"
Event report on the launch of our new volume «The Crisis and Future of Democracy»How can the left mobilise in times like these? What lessons to draw from earlier protest movements? Those were the questions put to a panel of authors of the recently published volume “The Crisis and Future of Democracy”, published by the Brussels office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
Is democracy in jeopardy?
Starting point of the discussion was a brief examination of the most important challenges to democracy today. David Bailey of ...
read more "What role for democracy in progressive mobilisation in Europe today?"
read more "What role for democracy in progressive mobilisation in Europe today?"
About the anthology
Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise of authoritarian populism, the polarisation of politics and the attacks on the foundations of liberal representative democracy leave little doubt about it. The fallout of the COVID-19 crisis has only reinforced these tendencies. Yet, we also see a revitalisation of radical demands for democratic renewal. Societies are once again acknowledging that inequality is hurting democracy. Calls for democratic regulation of key sectors are getting louder.
Demands for inclusion, equality and redistributive ...
read more "The Crisis and Future of Democracy"
read more "The Crisis and Future of Democracy"
Welfare State Retrenchment, the Effects on Women, and Feminist Responses in SwedenAbout the book
From an international perspective, the Nordic model can easily be seen as an ideal welfare state. Additionally, more than any other welfare state model, the Nordic model is not just a label applied by welfare state analysts; it has also been used with pride by Nordic governments and citizens (Lister 2009). The striving for equality and the high degree of universalism have been regarded as proof of the superiority of the Nordic model (Anttonen 2002). The concept of universalism is ...
read more "A Caring State?"
read more "A Caring State?"
Mobility for everyone is in, car-centrism and hegemonic masculinity is outAbout the publication
This polemic analyses capitalist-shaped cities, transport and mobility from a feminist and intersectional perspective, centred around the theory that car-centrism in particular systematically neglects the mobility needs of many in favour of outdated gender norms and ways of life. In other words: today’s cities and the associated transport planning reflect and replicate patriarchal, racist and classist patterns of production, consumption and thought.
The author describes this ...
read more "Take up space!"
read more "Take up space!"
Exploring Territories of Feminist EconomicsWhen we started thinking about this text, we posed three ambitious questions: How are patriarchal capitalism’s forms of control, and consequently, the attacks against life, being reshaped? How are forms of sustaining life being re-articulated, deepening the invisibilized, feminized, and racialized dimensions of the system? And, finally, how are forms of resistance reinvented that attempt to put life in the center in opposition to global patriarchal capitalism? Obviously, this text does not resolve these three enormous ...
read more "Together and Rebellious"
read more "Together and Rebellious"
An Interview with Anne-Cécile Mailfert***Version française ci-dessous***
The lockdown has highlighted the fact that victims of domestic violence live in de facto lockdown all the time. Anne-Cécile Mailfert is a French feminist activist and President of the Fondation des Femmes (Women's Foundation). In early June 2020, she took the time to answer questions from A Season in Hell Editor Ethan Earle about violence against women during, before and after the Coronavirus.
Ethan Earle (EE): Can you tell us a bit...
read more "“When women spend more time at home, it is never good for their rights”"
read more "“When women spend more time at home, it is never good for their rights”"
The romanticisation of the Swedish welfare system and its positive effects on gender equality persists, notwithstanding the substantial dismantling of the welfare state in recent decades and Sweden’s drop in gender equality rankings. Unlike elsewhere in Europe, this development reflects an impact not so much of the last economic crisis when the government did not pursue the politics of austerity seen across much of the continent. Rather it is the effect of a long-term policy response ...
read more "Call for Tenders: Report/Study on “The effects of the dismantling of the Swedish welfare state on women”"
read more "Call for Tenders: Report/Study on “The effects of the dismantling of the Swedish welfare state on women”"