
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Second part from Melanie Stitz, Regional Office Director, North Rhine-Westphalia.
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Malte Herbers from MediNetz Hanover describes the difficult situation faced by many people in Germany right now.
Events in Thuringia highlight a lack of principles among the traditional right, now as in the pastBerlin is not Weimar and the Alternative for Germany party (AfD) is not the Nazi Party (NSDAP), but after Thuringia’s minister-president was elected with AfD votes, it is all but impossible not to see the historical parallels. The Weimar Republic perished due to a lack of democrats. It was not torn apart by conflict between the extreme right and the extreme left, a pet hypothesis that is trotted out time and again, even today, to ...
read more "When it comes to beating the left, any way is the right way"
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Melanie Stitz, Regional Office Director, North Rhine-Westphalia, covers a variety of topics related to the current crisis.
“How to crush fascism and neoliberalism in one blow” – Panel debate in MalmöThe Brussels Office of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung partnered with the Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO) from Copenhagen and Vänsterpartiet Malmö to host a live-audience debate to discuss left party strategies in the fight against the far-right and capitalism in Sweden, Denmark and Germany. “When you destroy a functioning state, that’s a recipe for fascism.” Listen to our keynote speaker Kajsa Ekis Ekman dissect the effects of neoliberal policies and capitalism’s unholy ...
read more "Podcast: Time to get serious"