Gilets Jaunes

Almost two years after the first protests and shortly after the 2020 Bastille Day: What to make out of the Yellow Vests and the state of French democracy? What to take away from the recently Macron-initiated citizens’ assemblies? Have the Yellow Vests and other protest shaken the French political establishment? Initially launched as a protest against rising fuel prices, the yellow vests in France quickly turned into a popular form of protest that raises deeper issues at the heart of marginalization: democracy and economic justice. ...
read more "What mark have the Yellow Vests left on French democracy?"
Ethan Earle: First off, I want to say that today is July 14, Bastille Day, the French national holiday celebrating the storming of the Bastille, which was a medieval armory, fortress and political prison representing royal authority and power in the center of Paris. The takeover of the Bastille by ordinary French women and men represented a massive turning point in the French Revolution, and, while Bastille Day is now typically celebrated with Europe’s largest military parade and other accoutrements of crude nationalism ...
read more "Interview with Ethan Earle about the Gilets jaunes and French democracy"