industrial policy
The international conference on industrial policies and workers’ rights in the twin ecological and digital transition, held on 10 January in Milan, provided a crucial space for political and strategic discussion among trade unions and workers representatives. Organised by FIOM-CGIL Lombardia with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, the event underscored the urgent need for a radical shift in Europe’s industrial strategy—one that places workers, not capital, at its centre.
Industry in Crisis, Labour...
read more "Industrial Policy and Workers’ Rights in the Twin Transition: A Call to Action"
read more "Industrial Policy and Workers’ Rights in the Twin Transition: A Call to Action"
***An Italian and French version of the report can be found at the bottom of the page***
The "Steel is the future" conference took place on 13 April 2024 in Salzgitter (Information Centre of Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH)**
Here you can find the conference programme.
In his opening speech, Heinz Bierbaum, Chairman of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, pointed out that steel is irreplaceable for the socio-ecological transformation and that the steel of the future must be green steel. And how important IG Metall and the works councils are for ...
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read more "”Steel is the future”"
With contributions from: Ulrike Eifler, DIE LINKE, Spokesperson for BAG Betrieb und Gewerkschaft, the working group on enterprise and trade unions; Benjamin Denis, IndustriALL; Katharina Stierl, Students for Future; Károly György, Hungarian Trade Union Confederation
You can find the English video of the web conference here:
The German version is available here:
The ...
read more "Web conference: Progressive Industrial Policy for Jobs and Climate Protection – Just Transition for the Automotive Industry held on 15 July 2021"
read more "Web conference: Progressive Industrial Policy for Jobs and Climate Protection – Just Transition for the Automotive Industry held on 15 July 2021"
Towards a coordinated action for the social-ecological transformation of the European automotive industryAbout the book
The European automotive industry is undergoing deep structural transformations. In addition to the twin challenge of mastering the digital and ecological transition, it has to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 containment measures. All these changes are taking place within highly globalised value chains that have resulted from excessive offshoring and thus affect workers beyond single nation states or the European Union alone. The shift to ...
read more "Together we are strong!"
read more "Together we are strong!"
Everyone is talking about hydrogen and how it can help in the ecological transformation of our economy. In July 2020, the European Commission published its hydrogen strategy [1] as part of the European Green Deal. 26 European Member States have joined the "Hydrogen Initiative" and 14 Member States have included hydrogen in their national strategies for alternative fuels. In summer 2020, Germany presented its national hydrogen strategy [2], as did the USA [3].
In order to meet the climate targets of the Paris climate agreement, immediate and ...
read more "Hydrogen – new oil in the transport sector?"
read more "Hydrogen – new oil in the transport sector?"
New Challenges for the European World of Work
We appear to be on the cusp of a new age. The era of digitalisation looks set to revolutionise the status quo, from the world of work to the way we live, from leisure activities and public space through to politics and privacy. Technically, the term ‘digitalisation’ refers to the enhancement of information and communication processes by means of digital storage, transmission and processing technology. Innovative hardware and software allows these processes to take place faster and more flexibly and be less ...
read more "Industry 4.0"
read more "Industry 4.0"
![Image: By ICAPlants (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons](
International economic relations today are characterised by two important aspects: the climate crisis, which has long been affecting the living conditions of millions of people, and the major repositioning of countries with regard to their economic power. While parts of Europe and Latin America will decline economically, China and other areas in Southeast Asia are building up strong economies. Other areas, especially in the sub-Saharan region, will continue to be marginalised economically and will have to sell their ...
read more "Global Progressive Industrial Policy: an Alternative for more Social Justice"
read more "Global Progressive Industrial Policy: an Alternative for more Social Justice"
Call for Papers, JEP – Austrian Journal of Development Studies / Journal für Entwicklungspolitik. Special issue editors: Julia Eder, Roland Kulke, Claus-Dieter KönigThe spread of neoliberalism has increasingly delegitimised (open) state intervention in the economy in many countries around the world. This 'retreat of the state' becomes visible in many different fields, including industrial policy. In the wake of the global financial and economic crisis, there has been a revival in the debate on industrial policy among private and state actors as ...
read more "Progressive Industrial Policy for Development"
read more "Progressive Industrial Policy for Development"
Progressive social and political forces discussed the issues of a new industrial strategy for EuropeThis conference, a joint initiative of transform! europe, the Nicos Poulantzas Institute and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels office, brought trade unionists, researchers, politicians and representatives of NGOs together in Brussels (19 and 20 June 2017) to tackle the issues of a new industrial strategy for Europe could help us find a new path for Europe. This strategy should be based on the following principles: a truly progressive ...
read more "Finding a New Path – Another Development for Europe"
read more "Finding a New Path – Another Development for Europe"
Presentation of the ‘What is to be produced? The making of a new industrial policy in Europe’ studyWe presented the study titled What is to be produced? The making of a new industrial policy in Europe at a public event on the evening of 6 April 2017 and discussed it with numerous guests. Mario Pianta, Matteo Lucchese and Leopoldo Nascia wrote the study for the "progressive industrial policy" project of the European Office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Brussels to clarify what scope the current legal framework of the EU provides for a progressive ...
read more "Progressive industrial policy in Europe"
read more "Progressive industrial policy in Europe"