left governance

This two-days workshop in Madrid in March aimed to reveal the present state of the European Social Democracy, through a concrete analysis of the European Social Democratic parties in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, and Belgium. This event follows the workshop held in Helsinki (see the conference report) where we examined the parties of Italy, Sweden, Central-Eastern Europe, Greece and the United Kingdom. In parallel, the workshop was an attempt to capture the relation between the social democracy and the ...
read more "European Social Democracy: Opponents or Potential Partners?"
Radical Left Parties in EuropeWhat are the current challenges for the parties of the non-social democrat Left in Europe? Under which conditions can they be successful, and on the basis of which policy? In the most recent publication of the RLS Brussels Office a range of country and comparative reports will focus on the social structure, electorate, self-understanding and organization structure of 25 left parties in Europe. Further issues will include the role of the parties within the political system of their respective countries, their programmatic-strategic ...
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Twenty-five country reports

Ed. Daiber, Hildebrandt and Striethorst
Left Parties in EuropeComplete documentation of the country reports which were partly published in the book "Von Revolution bis Koalition: Linke Parteien in Europa" (see link below).Content:Nordeuropa:Inger V. Johansen - Die Linke und die radikale Linke in DänemarkEvgeni Golikov, Toivo Palm - Linke Perspektiven im rechten EstlandAnna Kontula, Tomi Kuhanen - Der Wiederaufbau des Linken Bündnisses. Hoffen auf einen NeuanfangAuður Lilja Erlingsdóttir - Die Linke in IslandDag Seierstad - Die Linke in Norwegen: Politik in der Mitte-Links-RegierungBarbara Steiner - ...
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The Left in Europe

Ed. Cornelia Hildebrandt and Birgit Daiber
Political Parties and Party Alliances between Norway and TurkeyFrom the introduction:After thirty years the victorious march of neo-liberalism has ground to a halt at the beginning of the 21st century, having plunged the world into financial and economic crisis. For the first time a financial and economic crisis has coincided with social, environmental and climatic crises. The scale of the social deformations causing all this, the increases in social divisions, hunger and poverty, are already visible in all European countries. But no one knows yet how this crisis will end, ...
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Prof. Michael Krätke, Lancaster University, gives a lecture on the concept of the "general strike" of Rosa Luxemburg and Emile Vandervelde in Brussels.GREVE GENERALE - REVE GENERALULB, Centre d'Histoire et de Sociologie des Gauches - Institut Marcel Libman, 10-12 février 2011 Alors que se sont multipliées à la fin de l’année 2010 les commémorations liées au cinquantième anniversaire de la “Grande grève” de 1960- 61, nous avons voulu nous pencher, plus globalement sur le concept de Grève générale.Dans la formation du ...
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Another Europe is Possible

Anna Striethorst, RLS Brussels
The GUE/NGL Group in the European ParliamentThe green-left group in the European Parliament is an alliance of MEP from 12 European countries and 17 parties. What are the characteristics of the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament, what does “confederalism” mean to them and what is the relationship between the GUE/NGL group and the European Left Party?Within Europe, the parties of the radical left are united in overlapping forms of cooperation. With over 30 members and observers the most inclusive among them is certainly the European Left Party (EL) which is ...
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The publication contains nineteen country reports submitted by the participants of the second Latin America and Europe conference on the Left in Government, 27-29 June 2010 in Brussels. The European country reports are documented in English, the Latin American country reports in Spanish. Cornelia Hildebrandt and Valter Pomar have analyzed these country reports. Their analysis is published in the book Upsurge in Latin America – Europe on the Defensive? (English, Spanish).Content:Europe:Ruurik Holm and Laura ...
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Is Socialist Politics Possible from a Position in Government? Five objections by Rosa Luxemburg and five offers for a discussionParticipation by the left in governments dominated by other forces has always been controversial. Primarily, five objections to government participation by the left have been formulated, to the effect that: (1) capitalism cannot be changed fundamentally; (2) only a revolution can solve the basic problems; (3) the state is only the instrument of political power of the economically dominant class; (4) ...
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In the paper, Edgardo Lander tackles the question to what extent the so-called leftist or "progressive" governments in Latin America, even the most radical ones, are taking steps in the construction of effective alternatives to the civilization model and its relations with "nature". Edgardo Lander is sociologist, professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and associate researcher of the Transnational Institute (TNI).From the text:With the recognition of the deep ...
read more "Left and Progressive Governments of Latin America and the Challenges Posed by the Crisis of Civilization (English, German)"

The Left in Government

Ed. Birgit Daiber
Latin America and Europe comparedFrom the introduction: Since the late nineties, left forces have taken over government responsibility in a growing number of countries in Latin America; in Europe too, the left has participated in governing coalitions. An evaluation of whether government participation has been successful or not should be based on whether the left has been able to achieve structural changes effective beyond the short term of government participation, and whether it has been able to enlarge its social base. On the basis of these criteria, the ...
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