mobility transition

In Germany, the discussion about the €9 ticket, which allows the use of regional public transport everywhere in Germany for €9 a month, is on everyone's lips. Despite its resounding success, the German government has not yet presented a follow-up project, so the €9 ticket will expire at the end of August this year. More than 30 million people (about 40 per cent of the population) in Germany have made use of this offer and this shows how great the need for mobility and how important the ...
read more "Right to mobility on both sides of the Atlantic: Brazil in the run-up to the presidential elections"

Right to mobility – in Cologne, in São Paulo, in Boston…

Manuela Kropp, Project Manager, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels
The rising prices of energy and petrol or diesel are currently on everyone’s lips – and rightly so, because they expose middle- and low-income people to an ever-increasing risk of poverty. This applies to people in the EU as well as to other regions of the world, such as Brazil, where the movement for a zero fare for public transport (Movimento Passe Livre) emerged in 2013 and continues to grow.[1] In the USA, a car country, the mayor of Boston, Michelle Wu, recently spent eight million dollars to allow residents to use part of ...
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Current Challenges for the International Automotive Sector – Voices from Unions, Workers, Climate Movement and IndustryAbout the publication This publication uses individual case studies to examine the conditions needed for the international auto-motive industry to transition to an ecological mobility industry in specific countries. The active expansion of an ecological mobility industry for the production of vehicles used in local and long-distance public transport (rail vehicles and buses) can protect jobs and cut the global transport...
read more "Launch of the study “The Need for Transformation”"
Voices from Unions, Workers, Climate Movement, IndustryAbout the book In this study, the obstacles and potential associated with a transformation of the automotive industry and the development of an ecological mobility industry are discussed in dozens of interviews with trade unionists, climate activists and representatives of the automotive industry from Brazil, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Spain, France and Italy. There is a particular focus on positioning in the international value chain, ...
read more "The Need for Transformation – Current Challenges for the International Automotive Sector"

The European Fit for 55 climate package: inadequate and socially unbalanced

Manuela Kropp, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office
On 14 July 2021, the European Commission released Fit for 55, its climate protection package implementing the European Climate Law. This package is only a proposal and in the coming months has to be negotiated between the co-legislators, namely the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (whose members comprise government ministers from each EU Member State). This means that the current package could still be watered down or improved, depending on the political majorities in the Parliament and the ...
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With contributions from: Ulrike Eifler, DIE LINKE, Spokesperson for BAG Betrieb und Gewerkschaft, the working group on enterprise and trade unions; Benjamin Denis, IndustriALL; Katharina Stierl, Students for Future; Károly György, Hungarian Trade Union Confederation You can find the English video of the web conference here: The German version is available here: The ...
read more "Web conference: Progressive Industrial Policy for Jobs and Climate Protection – Just Transition for the Automotive Industry held on 15 July 2021"

Putting cross-border rail traffic on the right track: The European Year of Rail in border regions

Manuela Kropp (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office) and Stephen Schindler (Office of Cornelia Ernst MEP)
Conference reportA conference organised by the THE LEFT group in the European Parliament and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office in cooperation with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Prague Office Rail travel is an environmentally friendly, safe, comfortable and convenient way of getting around. One of the ideas behind the European Green Deal is to shift freight transport from road to rail and inland waterways in order to reduce greenhouse gases, prompting the European Commission to announce ...
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