
crisis democracy
About the anthology Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise of authoritarian populism, the polarisation of politics and the attacks on the foundations of liberal representative democracy leave little doubt about it. The fallout of the COVID-19 crisis has only reinforced these tendencies. Yet, we also see a revitalisation of radical demands for democratic renewal. Societies are once again acknowledging that inequality is hurting democracy. Calls for democratic regulation of key sectors are getting louder. Demands for inclusion, equality and redistributive ...
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Elections municipales 2020 - 2nd tour
Elections municipales 2020 - 2nd tour

New Municipalism(s) – à la française

Vincent Béal, Nicolas Maisetti, Gilles Pinson and Max Rousseau
***Version française ci-dessous*** The 2020 French municipal elections saw an unprecedented proliferation of “citizens’ lists” composed of non-party affiliated “newcomers”. Less than two years after the Yellow Vests movement burst onto the political scene, this phenomenon should be understood as the result of a multifaceted crisis of local democracy. French municipalism may offer a way out of the crisis, but it faces many constraints. The French municipal elections of March and June 2020 were marked by the health crisis. In the midst of...
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