Nordic Countries

Finland s President Sauli Niinisto meets with the new government led by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, Helsinki, June 20, 2023
Finland s President Sauli Niinisto meets with the new government led by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, Helsinki, June 20, 2023IMAGO / Xinhua
The Finnish parliamentary elections were held on April 2, but it has taken almost three months for a new government to be formed. After only two weeks in power, Finland’s new right-wing coalition faces neo-Nazi scandals and a mounting opposition to its austerian agenda that make it seem increasingly unlikely to last the full four-year election cycle. In the meantime, however, it is already doing plenty of damage. April’s national election saw big gains for Finland’s right-wing opposition. The governing parties all lost ground – with the exception of the...
read more "Finland’s Cabinet of Horrors"
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) and his cabinet during the opening of the 167th Norwegian Parliament on 3rd October 2022
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) and his cabinet during the opening of the 167th Norwegian Parliament on 3rd October 2022IMAGO / TT
The first two years of Norway’s Arbeiderpartiet (Labour Party)/ Senterpartiet (Centre Party) coalition government have seen the challenges mount up, with debates about solidarity dominating at the international level, while domestic economic inequality has increased.   A new hope? The expectations for real political change after the 2021 elections were high. The centre-left and socialist parties had won a solid majority in parliament, after eight years of conservative-liberal welfare and public sector cuts, tax cuts for the wealthy, and ...
read more "Strained Alliances in Norwegian Politics"
Supporters of the Swedish Left Party march through Malmö on International Workers’ Day, 1 May 2023.
Supporters of the Swedish Left Party march through Malmö on International Workers’ Day, 1 May 2023.IMAGO / TT
In late March of this year, the Swedish Parliament voted by a large majority to join NATO and abandon the country’s traditional policy of military non-alignment. Only the Left and Green parties voted against the move. Outside parliament, a majority of the Swedish people also favour joining NATO. Next door, Finland’s NATO membership is already a fact. The immediate reason for this shift is clear: NATO supporters have a superior campaigner for their cause in Vladimir Putin. Russia’s invasion and occupation of parts of Ukraine has shifted public opinion ...
read more "Sweden in NATO — And Then What?"
Statsminister Ulf Kristersson
Statsminister Ulf

Sweden’s four messy months of right-wing government

John Hörnquist, coordinator of political studies for the Swedish Left Party
Why far-right populism won the Swedish election, but is making the right lose its credibilityAfter five weeks of complicated negotiations, on 18 October 2022 Sweden’s Parliament (Riksdagen) elected the most far-right government in the country’s history. The centre-right Moderates, along with their junior partners, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, depend on support from the far-right Sweden Democrats to govern. The Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) actually received more votes than any other party on the right, but didn’t ...
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In June 2022, the Brussels Office of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung hosted a workshop in Copenhagen to better understand and compare the central issues, experiences and strategies of left-wing parties’ participation in, or support of, governments in the region. The event was face-to-face and by-invitation only to guarantee an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality to participants. The workshop brought together 30 party activists and decision-makers from among the political left in Sweden, Denmark and Germany.[1] Participation ...
read more "Impact workshop: “The Left in Power”, Copenhagen 9-10 June"
Election poster for Enhedslisten in Copenhagen
Election poster for Enhedslisten in

Denmark’s left in crisis?

Duroyan Fertl
Denmark’s radical left party, the Red Green Alliance, is in a spin. At the November 1 general election, it lost a quarter of its support, a third of its seats, and its influence with government. Alongside the immediate financial and political ramifications, the result has opened up both internal and public debate on what went wrong and why – exposing strategic disagreements over the party’s direction. This was the Red Green Alliance’s (RGA) third electoral retreat in a row, following the 2019 national election and last year’s municipal vote. The party ...
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Ballots for the general elections at a polling station in Malmo, Sweden September 11, 2022. MALMO SWEDEN x50090x *** Bal
Ballots for the general elections at a polling station in Malmo, Sweden September 11, 2022. MALMO SWEDEN x50090x *** BalCopyright: Johanx Nilsson / IMAGO
The political results of the Swedish election are in, and they bear all the hallmarks of a bad dystopian novel. The new government will be comprised of the Moderates, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, and – in all ways except appointed ministers – the far-right Sweden Democrats. Broadly speaking, the Moderates get all the central functions of government, including the role of Prime Minister, ministers of finance, justice, and foreign affairs, while the Christian Democrats get social issues and health care, with the Liberals ...
read more "Sweden’s new government – a dystopian nightmare"

Denmark 2022: A landslide election

Reinout Bosch
The Danish election of 1 November 2022 was truly historic: consolidated parties have fallen from grace, new ones have stormed into parliament, and never before have so many voters shifted their alliances between parties in the months leading up to the election. Entering the voting booth last Tuesday, Danish voters were presented with no less than fourteen different parties to choose from. New parties on the right presented old populist positions, but with a more popular visage. Led by well-known politicians, these parties have matched different policies ...
read more "Denmark 2022: A landslide election"
On November 1, Denmark will vote, seven months ahead of schedule. Polls show left and right blocs almost neck-and-neck, and the risk of an outright win for the right-wing remains real. However, with Social Democratic Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen seeking to hold onto power through an unlikely coalition across the middle, a rightwards shift seems inevitable. The early election was called when the Social Liberals, one of three smaller parties propping up the Social Democrat minority government, threatened a no-confidence motion ...
read more "Denmark to hold early elections as Social Democrats move right"
Duroyan Fertl interviews Line BarfodOn September 9, the 2023 budget for the City of Copenhagen was agreed in historic circumstances. For the first time in a century, Denmark’s Social Democratic Party – which has long treated Copenhagen as its crown jewel – was outside the deal. Instead, radical left party Enhedslisten (the “Red-Green Alliance”) took the lead in budget negotiations, delivering robust funding for social welfare and the climate, with support from parties of the centre, right and even far-right. In ...
read more "Historic Copenhagen budget leaves Social Democrats out in the cold"