Anti-racism is a long-term struggle which is inextricably linked to the commitment to French republican values: we must be anti-racist through universalism and universalist through anti-racism. The new anti-racism is perceived as a threat in France today because it undermines the monolith of 18th-century universalism, often confused with the bedrock of the republican contract and of the French spirit.
***Version française ci-dessous***
Since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on 25 May 2020 – a North ...
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History is the fruit of power, but power itself is never so transparent that its analysis becomes superfluous. The ultimate mark of power may be its invisibility; the ultimate challenge, the exposition of its roots.
Michel-Rolph Trouillot, Silencing the Past
A generation of Afro-French people who have long experienced erasure by the universalist myth is rising up. The demonstrations of spring 2020 underlined the need to examine the blind spots in French history and question the flaws in the republican ideal, and ultimately to build a shared, truly universalist ...
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Edited volume “The Crisis and Future of Representative Democracy”Background & objectives
Democracy is in jeopardy. The rise and rise of authoritarian populism as well as the accompanying polarisation of politics and sustained attacks on the fundamental norms and foundations of liberal democracy in Europe and elsewhere have made that clear. Yet these symptoms are also reflective of a much longer decline of institutions in contemporary liberal representative democracies. Low levels of electoral participation, low ...
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