right-wing extremism
Neo-Nazi mobilization in the wake of the crisisOne of the most significant repercussions of the economic, social and political crisis in Greece is the emergence of the openly National Socialist group Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) on the Greek political scene. The organization arose only a few years after the Greek military junta (1967-1974), but until 2009 it existed only at the right-wing fringes of society, going mostly unnoticed by the general public. Since the official establishment of Chrysi Avgi in 1980 – and regardless of its’ so...
read more "The rise of the neo-Nazi party ‘Golden Dawn’ in Greece"
read more "The rise of the neo-Nazi party ‘Golden Dawn’ in Greece"
Report on the seminar in Ostrawa in December 2012 (German)Ein Seminar in Ostrawa? Fünf Jahre nach dem sogenannten Ostrava-Fall* war ein Seminar in der nordtschechischen Stadt durchaus geeignet, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, ob sich die Situation der Roma in der tschechischen Republik verändert hat und wie sie sich in den Nachbarstaaten in Mittel- und Ost-Europa inzwischen darstellt.
Etwa 35 TeilnehmerInnen aus der Tschechischen Republik und aus Deutschland, durchweg ExpertInnen zum Thema, trafen sich vom 7. bis zum 9. Dezember...
read more "Racism and Anti-Roma resentments in Central- and Eastern Europe"
read more "Racism and Anti-Roma resentments in Central- and Eastern Europe"
In the aftermath of the economic crisis in Europe parties from the extreme right, right-wing populist parties, movements and individuals get more and more support from Europe's citizens.In times of European and global competition for production sites, employment, and social standards, rightist parties manage to gain support from voters. Their response to the confusing reality of global capitalism is the protective warmth of the national community. Established democratic parties often act as (in-)voluntary ...
read more "The crisis in Europe and the success of right wing populism – RLS Papers Series"
read more "The crisis in Europe and the success of right wing populism – RLS Papers Series"
Report on the conference on 11 May 2010 in Brussels, organized by Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Brussels (German)Roma sind in Europa seit Jahrhunderten massiver Diskriminierung, Ausgrenzung und Verfol-gung ausgesetzt. Über 60 % der deutschen Sinti und Roma fielen dem nationalsozialistischen Rassenwahn zum Opfer, in manchen Ländern Osteuropas waren es noch mehr. Um sich mit dem nationalsozialistischen Völkermord und mit der Situation der Roma im heutigen Europa zu befassen, fand am 11. Mai 2010 in Brüssel die Konferenz „Some […] want the ...
read more "Antigypsyism and Racism in Past and Present Europe"
read more "Antigypsyism and Racism in Past and Present Europe"
Report on a study journey to Kosovo in December 2009During the wars in former Yugoslavia, some 130,000 members of the minority of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians (RAE) from Kosovo, fled. After arson attacks and expulsions during the war in Kosovo in 1999, and after the renewed flare-up of ethnic violence in 2004, no more than 35,000 of them still live in Kosovo today. For years, the German Federal Government has tried to deport a large number of the RAE refugees living in Germany to Kosovo – a total of more than 10,000 people.To ...
read more "10,000 Roma in Germany to be deported to Kosovo: A cold welcome"
read more "10,000 Roma in Germany to be deported to Kosovo: A cold welcome"