socio-ecological transformation

The international conference on industrial policies and workers’ rights in the twin ecological and digital transition, held on 10 January in Milan, provided a crucial space for political and strategic discussion among trade unions and workers representatives. Organised by FIOM-CGIL Lombardia with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, the event underscored the urgent need for a radical shift in Europe’s industrial strategy—one that places workers, not capital, at its centre. Industry in Crisis, Labour...
read more "Industrial Policy and Workers’ Rights in the Twin Transition: A Call to Action"
“Here's the proof – Santa Claus is Norwegian, and his name is Jens” Title page of Norwegian daily Dagbladet, 10 December 2007.
Kristin Svorte, Dagbladet
“Pay up, or humanity will pay the price”. With the arrival of Donald Trump in the White House in January, that key message from UN General Secretary António Guterres was seen as even more urgent at this year’s Climate Summit, which ended in dismay at wealthy nations’ inability to commit sufficient funds to repay their climate debt. Oil-rich Norway, however, showed once again that it will gladly pay more than most countries to keep up appearances as a ‘climate leader.’ But will it ever bring a true gift to humanity, one that does ...
read more "Bad Santa? How Norway can provide real climate jobs"
Mobility is a basic human need. Over the last 100 years, the automobile has revolutionised the transport of people and goods. The automotive industry is a core industrial sector employing millions of people in Germany, Europe and the world. The trade unions in the metal sector are strong and powerful organisations without which the enforcement of social rights would have been impossible. But the costs and irreversible damage caused by the fossil fuel era are now undeniable. The technology based on the burning of fossil fuels is reaching its ...
read more "The Transformation of the Global Automotive Industry"

The European Fit for 55 climate package: inadequate and socially unbalanced

Manuela Kropp, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office
On 14 July 2021, the European Commission released Fit for 55, its climate protection package implementing the European Climate Law. This package is only a proposal and in the coming months has to be negotiated between the co-legislators, namely the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (whose members comprise government ministers from each EU Member State). This means that the current package could still be watered down or improved, depending on the political majorities in the Parliament and the ...
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With contributions from: Ulrike Eifler, DIE LINKE, Spokesperson for BAG Betrieb und Gewerkschaft, the working group on enterprise and trade unions; Benjamin Denis, IndustriALL; Katharina Stierl, Students for Future; Károly György, Hungarian Trade Union Confederation You can find the English video of the web conference here: The German version is available here: The ...
read more "Web conference: Progressive Industrial Policy for Jobs and Climate Protection – Just Transition for the Automotive Industry held on 15 July 2021"

Web conference: Sustainable batteries for electric vehicles?

Manuela Kropp, Project Manager, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels
European due diligence legislation and EU trade policy – held on 2 June 2021You can find the English video of the conference here: German version of the video: Bahasa Indonesian version:   The European Green Deal that was presented in December 2019 has driven EU discussions about clean mobility solutions. Battery-powered electric vehicles are considered to be 'eco-friendly' vehicles involving low emissions for ...
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