
The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a global economic recession whose consequences will continue to be felt for years to come, but what comes next? Will we see greater monopolisation and concentration of market power? What, if anything, have we learned since the last financial crisis in 2009? Can the left take advantage of the crisis to win popular support for a new course, for a more social and sustainable alternative? On 10 June, the Copenhagen-based Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO) partnered with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office to...
read more "Epidemic Economy: A Left Perspective"
On 27 May, the Copenhagen-based Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO), together with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office, hosted a debate with Pelle Dragsted, former MP for Danish left-wing party Enhedslisten and author of the new book Nordisk socialisme: På vej mod en demokratisk økonomi (‘Nordic Socialism: Towards an economic democracy’). The past year-and-a-half has been extraordinary. The global coronavirus pandemic has caused millions of deaths and triggered an economic crisis on a scale not seen in generations.  ...
read more "Nordic Socialism During and After the COVID-19 Crisis"
Swedish Left wins game of chicken over rent deregulation by bringing down governmentIn the past week, a long game of chicken over the deregulation of rents culminated in the fall of both the government and its proposal, an increasingly popular Left Party and an open question on who will form the next government. On 21 June, the day of the no-confidence vote against the government, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said: “The Left Party today united with the right-wing conservative parties in a no-confidence vote against the government, ...
read more "Negotiated rents and the fall of the Swedish government"
For the coming weeks, RLS Brussels Office will publish clips from colleagues, comrades, and friends from Europe and beyond giving personal impressions of the crisis, the measures, living and coping. Petter Nilsson, Board member of the Center for Marxist Social Studies and Political Secretary for the Left Party in the City of Stockholm.
Malmö 13-15 November 2019By Ada Regelmann, with additional materials by Staffan Dahllöf and Michael Lauritsen The Brussels Office of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung partnered with the Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO) from Copenhagen to host a workshop to better understand and compare the causes of the rise of the far right across countries and to discuss strategies on how the left should respond. The workshop gave participants the opportunity to exchange viewpoints on analysis and strategy, learn from each other and connect. ...
read more "Impact workshop: The rise of the far right and how to confront it"
“How to crush fascism and neoliberalism in one blow” – Panel debate in MalmöThe Brussels Office of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung partnered with the Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO) from Copenhagen and Vänsterpartiet Malmö to host a live-audience debate to discuss left party strategies in the fight against the far-right and capitalism in Sweden, Denmark and Germany. “When you destroy a functioning state, that’s a recipe for fascism.” Listen to our keynote speaker Kajsa Ekis Ekman dissect the effects of neoliberal policies and capitalism’s unholy ...
read more "Podcast: Time to get serious"