The new book by Attac AustriaRecord poverty in southern Europe, fences and guns in response to refugees, Brexit on the horizon – the European Union is facing the deepest crisis in its history. But does the EU have the potential to become the “social and democratic Europe” that has been presented to us as a political ideal for decades?
In order to find answers to these questions, it is necessary to demystify many of our most beloved images of the EU. We must shatter the European illusion – because at its core are competition and neoliberal economic policy. ...
read more "The European Illusion"
read more "The European Illusion"
Global Working Group Beyond Development, Barcelona 16-21 April 2018The Global Working Group Beyond Development (GWG) brings together around 30 political activists and academics from five continents, representing a wide range of social-cultural struggles. The GWG aims to help build ecologically sustainable, radically democratic and economically viable alternatives to the exploitative and unequal modes of living that are engendered by global capitalism.
Under the auspices of the Rosa-Luxemburg- Stiftung ...
read more "Two calls for tenders – meeting facilitation and note-taking/preparation of report"
read more "Two calls for tenders – meeting facilitation and note-taking/preparation of report"
Presentation of the ‘What is to be produced? The making of a new industrial policy in Europe’ studyWe presented the study titled What is to be produced? The making of a new industrial policy in Europe at a public event on the evening of 6 April 2017 and discussed it with numerous guests. Mario Pianta, Matteo Lucchese and Leopoldo Nascia wrote the study for the "progressive industrial policy" project of the European Office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Brussels to clarify what scope the current legal framework of the EU provides for a progressive ...
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read more "Progressive industrial policy in Europe"
Why the world needs to go renewable and how this can workThe impact of methane on the climate, possible consequences of fracking on Aquifer systems and strong civil society movements who are resisting the extraction of fossil fuels.
Here is why the world needs to go renewable immediately and how this can work.
We have interviewed the following speakers for this video:
Robert HowarthCornell University, New York, Board of Directors for Food & Water WatchLorena RiffoTierra para Vivir, Universidad National de Comahue, ArgentinaHamza ...
read more "Resisting fossil fuels – A winning movement worldwide"
read more "Resisting fossil fuels – A winning movement worldwide"
Given the highly uneven dynamics of global capitalism and the constantly occurring crises in many regions of the world, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brussels Office, invited to a first meeting to enhance a transnational exchange of global and local problems as well as resistances and alternatives.
Under the header “Beyond the development imperative”, political activists and critical scholars met in January 2016 for three days (with Ashish Kothari, Kalpavriksh, India, and Ulrich Brand, Vienna University, Austria, as ...
read more "Beyond Development. Overcoming an imperative and fostering alternatives"
read more "Beyond Development. Overcoming an imperative and fostering alternatives"
Was the climate summit a great success or a total failure? To a large degree, this is a question of perspective. Below, we assess the summit’s results.The answer to question of whether the climate summit was a success or failure largely depends on the perspective from which one assesses its results. The fact that German civil society and the majority of the media largely describe the deal as 'historic' and 'successful' is due to their strongly process-immanent perspective, a perspective that analyses the results of the summit ...
read more "A successful climate summit, but no progress for climate justice?"
read more "A successful climate summit, but no progress for climate justice?"
Climate Policy needs a socio-ecological transformation – and that needs an effective climate policy.The Kyoto Protocol has strengthened those in power and the existing economic system. Climate change cannot be stopped with market mechanisms.The Kyoto Protocol, just like the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, has been in force since 2005, and yet the use of fossil fuels, particularly coal, has since increased. Reasons for this include low coal, gas and oil prices – not least due to the ecologically problematic challenges of "unconventional" energy sources such as tar ...
read more "Why the Kyoto Protocol Failed"
read more "Why the Kyoto Protocol Failed"
The multiple crises put the European left parties and social movements under pressure to find answers to often contradicting challenges. On the one hand we are in the midst of an environmental world crisis, which originates largely in the capitalist metropolis of the North. On the other hand millions of Europeans are unemployed and the economic crisis after the Lehman Brothers crash has proven those voices wrong who thought that the service sector will provide stable and good job opportunities. Industrialisation is back on the agenda. A left industrial ...
read more "Why “left industrial policy”?"
read more "Why “left industrial policy”?"
New Trade Union PerspectivesFor decades now, the world’s governments have met with the stated goal of meeting the challenge of climate change with a global treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Years of talks have failed to bring about such an agreement. Faced with the enormous political and economic power of the fossil fuel industry, the world’s governments have chosen the path of least resistance: inaction. Despite the science, despite available technology, and despite the moral clarity of the situation, greenhouse gasses continue to rise.Trade ...
read more "Climate Change and the Great Inaction"
read more "Climate Change and the Great Inaction"
Berichte aus den Arbeitsgruppen der zweiten RLS Brüssel Energiekonferenz, 3.-5. Juli 2013 in Wien>>See report in German>>See page of conference