Working time reduction

Coordination of analyses on working time reduction in EuropeThe tender is for a service to coordinate and edit the European information newsletter of the European network for the fair sharing of working time as well as organise a related physical meeting in Brussels in 2022. The project The European Network for the fair sharing of working time was set up by ATTAC Germany (ArbeitFairTeilen Group) and the Collectif Roosevelt (France), and today includes numerous organisations such as trade unions, NGOs, citizens' movements and associations, scientists, policy makers and ...
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Online Conference «Working time reduction and climate crisis»

European Network for the fair sharing of working time
What role for working time reduction when addressing climate change?About the conference: The shorter working week has always been at the heart of the labour movement. The eight-hour movement extended beyond borders and ensured that today we enjoy things like the weekend and the eight-hour day. After decades in the political wilderness, the shorter working week is fast becoming one of the major political issues across Europe: now it is not only about workers’ wellbeing, equality and the reduction of unemployment – now it ...
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The Project: The European network for the fair sharing of working time, initiated by ATTAC (Germany – Group Arbeitfairteilen) and Collectif Roosevelt (France), is an informal structure open to representatives of organisations, experts and activists. The network gathers multiple organizations including trade unions, NGOs, citizen movements, scientists, policy makers, or members of the European parliament from 12 countries: France, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Austria, ...
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