
The EU elections in Spain saw a narrow victory for the centrist People's Party, which beat the Socialist Party by two seats. The clear victory goes to the political tradition of the bipartitism, with the two major parties winning a total of 64.37% of the vote. The far-right party VOX received 9.62%, comparable to its Portuguese counterpart CHEGA, which achieved 9.79%, but a far cry from the 15.60% of the Alternative for Germany, the 28.59% of the Fratelli d'Italia and the 31.36% of the Rassemblement National.
read more "Yolanda Díaz steps down from leadership of Sumar and Izquierda Unida fails to enter the European Parliament"
read more "Yolanda Díaz steps down from leadership of Sumar and Izquierda Unida fails to enter the European Parliament"
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Austerity, Gender Inequality and Feminism after the Crisis in Croatia
When we first started to look at various data, we found that both men and women in Croatia suffered grave consequences of the recent economic crisis. Only when we turned our eye to the devastation that happened during the 1990s and in the early 2000s did it became possible to see the different effects of cuts to social services and privatisation processes on women as a group. In a way, for Croatia the impact of austerity measures, since it declared its independence, can be ...
read more "Impact of Austerity Measures on Women in Croatia"
read more "Impact of Austerity Measures on Women in Croatia"
This report on EU and national guidelines for fiscal balances, commissioned by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Brussels Office, is written at a time when the EU and member state national governments appear determined to make the present highly constrictive fiscal rules, which have heavily contributed to an overall poor economic performance, even tighter.
Despite the fact that the global financial crisis was a crisis brought on by excessive private debt, the EU and its most powerful member states insisted that the answer was to bear down ever more strongly ...
read more "Economic Guidelines for a Better Union"
read more "Economic Guidelines for a Better Union"
How the EU plans to entrench and institutionalize Investor-State Dispute Settlement
The European Commission proposal for a global investor court for investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) – known as the Multilateral Investment Court – threatens to enshrine, expand, and entrench the current system of corporate privilege in future trade deals.
A world court for corporations would be the capstone in the architecture of corporate impunity, undermining democratic institutions and lawmaking, and worsening the power imbalance that grants rights, protections, ...
read more "A World Court for Corporations"
read more "A World Court for Corporations"